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Alpha Cain was engrossed in the world of fairies. Whilst his mate slept, he decided to get some reading done. The Alpha had encountered and heard of many supernatural beings but fairies were extremely foreign to him.

He was currently reading a book entitled 'The Divinity' a book about fae folk. The book was packed with tons of information about the fairies but Cain's wolf advised him to inquire with his mate about fairies.

So far the information he learnt seemed logical. He read the fairies are magical winged humanoid beings that typically align themselves with good magic. He learnt that just like werewolves, fairies also had territories but they called their territories "Vaults" and each vault had a leader.

He also learnt that there is a royal fairy family who are the heads of the fairyland and all the vaults. The rest of the information he read was nonsensical but he was not surprised to see so, after all the book was written by humans.

Cain glanced down at his watch, it was exactly 14:00 (2 'o clock), he jumped out of his chair and made his way to the bedroom. He grabbed his dark brown leather jacket and slipped it on. It was time to take his mate out.

He walked over to the bed. His fae was fast asleep, he was currently sleeping on the right side of the bed. The long parts of his hair draped over his face, his lips were pursed and his breathing was soft this was a beautiful sight to behold but Cain had to wake the sleeping beauty up. They had stuff to do.

Cain gently shook his mate, his mate began to stir and his eyes fluttered open from peaceful sleep.

"Get dressed. We have stuff to do." said Cain.

The fae scowled at him and said "I really am in hell aren't I."

Cain rolled his eyes and replied "Its only hell because you make it hell, I've been very nice butterfly so it is unknown to me how this is hell."

Rhian got out of bed. For a moment he thought all of this was a dream and that when he woke up, he would find himself back in his realm but alas his current situation was reality.

Rhian picked up the clothes, looking at Cain he said "You can leave now."

Cain chuckled and replied "Aw. Don't I get a peak slave."

Rhian glared at Cain and grumpily responded "Go away."

Cain turned around and exited the bedroom to give his mate privacy, he internally laughed at his mates privacy.

Wolf : He won't be asking us to leave for very long.

Cain : Oh that's for sure. I like our mate he's adorable

Wolf : He's so much more than adorable, he is all ours and I just adore him.

When he heard the Fae lacing up his shoes, Cain knew he was done changing. Cain looked down at sneakers he picked out, he looked much better now, not that he cared,his mate could wear a potato sack and he'd think he's beautiful but for societal sake he had to ensure the fae looked his best.

"Ok, let's go butterfly." commanded Cain.

Rhian reluctantly followed. He really did not want to be here. The plan was : Steal the flower and get out of exile,not go shopping with a werewolf.


At 16:00 ( 4 'o clock) The Alpha and his fae had finished their shopping. Alpha Cain bought Rhian a whole new look. Good thing the Alpha was affluent because this shopping spree cost a fortune.

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