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jimin gasped when he saw the glint of emerald green in namjoon's eyes, the only reason their eyes would show specks of different colors was if their soulmates were there in the same room or the same vicinity.

the only new person in the room was jin, who's eyes were also glowing a pretty emerald green color. their classmates all looked around the second they noticed it trying to see if they were the lucky ones who just found their soulmate.

"namjoon, your eyes!" jimin whispers to the side happily and the boy who was reading his textbook looked up at his friend with a confused look before pulling out his phone to check for himself. there it was, a vibrant emerald green speckled around the browns of his eyes.

he looked back at jimin who himself had color in his eyes, "jimin, you too." he whispers moving his eyes around the room to find someone else with the same sapphire color in their eyes, but instead his eyes met jin, his substitute teacher who had the same green he had in his own eyes.

with a heavy blush he looked away from the man and faced jimin again, "what color is mine?" he asks cheerfully to namjoon who gets closer to the blondes face, yoongi who was watching could feel his blood boiling. the pair literally could move an inch before their lips would touch.

"hmm," namjoon smiles deeply, showing his dimples making the blonde giggle quietly so they don't get in trouble. "they're a really pretty blue. so pretty, just like you."

yoongi who had enough walked towards the way back when he accidentally bumped into jimin's table.

jin looks at yoongi subtly, his eyes glowing the fierce green as the younger boy looks down at his soulmate who didn't even notice a thing. he finishes going to the back of the room and continues watching how close his soulmate was to this kim namjoon kid.

his eyes started to spark in pure jealousy, the blue in his own eyes becoming deeper blue. his heart physically started to hurt, but he couldn't do anything about it. yoongi would have left the room immediately, nevertheless the doors were all closed.

if it were to open out of the blue, it'd definitely raise some red flags amongst the students. he was stuck.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"alright, that's it for today and..." jin watches the clock move second by second until it hit 3 o'clock, "you're dismissed." he smiles and pulls out his own phone to fix his hair when he notices the green in his eyes, he was taken aback at first, but when he was kim namjoon walking towards him, his heart nearly melted.

his light pink blush across his cheeks, a small lip bite, deep dimples, and to top it off, a rich green in his eyes. jin knew that he was cute the second he laid his eyes on the boy, but never did he think that he'd meet his soulmate here, like this.

"y-you wanted to see me?" namjoon initiates the conversation throwing jin off with how perfect his voice sounded, "uh, y-yea." his voice accidentally sounding a little unenthusiastic.

jin played with his hands sensing the awkward atmosphere in the air, namjoon continuing to bite down on his bottom lip capturing all of jin's attention. with a small cough he snapped out of it, "i uh, how do you know jeon jungkook?"

namjoon chokes a little, not at all expecting for that to be the question, he was sort of expecting to be asked out or something, but maybe his soulmate didn't like him. with a small whimper he answers the question, "he's a family friend. we're basically like brothers." he looked at jin with sad eyes, "so, why'd you want to know?"

"ah, i needed him for something, will you give me his number?" jin smiles kindly at the bookworm, admiring his beautiful soulmate, he felt so lucky to be able to have someone like him to love for the rest of his life.

"y-you want his number?" he raises an eyebrow, "jeon jungkook's phone number?" with a nod, jin smiles at namjoon again and hands his phone to the younger boy. "y-yea, i guess so." the boy takes the phone from his potential soulmates hands and starts to type in jungkook's phone number.

when namjoon was about to hand jin his phone back and never speak to the guy again, everything changed within 10 seconds, "put your number in there too." the boy's blush reappeared subtly as he typed in his own number into the phone.

with the number inside the phone, jin grabbed the device slowly out of namjoon's hand and winked at the boy, "i'll be sure to text you later, cutie."

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

yoongi followed jimin out of the classroom for a good couple minutes, when he wasn't paying attention, the blonde had bumped into a boy causing him to fall down and the papers in his hands to scatter all around the hallway floor.

it took nearly every bone in his body to not go up to the boy and yell at him for making his little mochi fall to the ground or to help his soulmate up. he just had to watch the boy collect his papers and the other boy helping him out.

"sorry about that." the blonde laughs at himself while the other boy continued picking up the papers, "i'm really clumsy sometimes." he laughs again, only to be ignored by the boy. for the second time today yoongi could feel himself getting mad, but this time over how rude the other kid was being.

"it's fine." he finally mumbles, when he finally looked at jimin, he saw the rich blue color in his eyes, somewhat amused by the color he smiled, "you're park jimin." suddenly yoongi didn't feel too mad, more intrigued on who the kid was.

'ask for his name!' yoongi yelled to himself, praying that his soulmate could hear him though he knew it was impossible, "sorry, do i know you?" the blonde asks unknowingly making yoongi extremely proud of his baby boy. "i'm jeon jungkook."

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