《backstory》 三十

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[i don't know why, but this chapter was deleted!]

the story of how everything happened.

"taehyung, i don't think we should be in here." jimin says as he padded behind his best friend, while hoseok also followed the younger two into the magic shop.

taehyung simply brushes off jimin's concerns with a shrug and a mischievous grin. "it'll be fun, come on~" he whines, "live a little!" with a slight nudge to his upper arm, a dramatically exasperated sigh leaves his mouth, "no, i-i don't want to get in trouble with yoonie."

oh how disappointed his yoonie would be if he found out that jimin, his cute little baby boy had been playing with magic. he bit his bottom lip lightly at the thought of his soulmate getting worked up over this very decision.

"you won't get in trouble if he doesn't find out," hoseok chimes in instantly and taehyung high fives him and brings him into a friendly side hug, "exactly! even hoseok is in on this. we all know that jin is the scariest."

"no he isn't! we all know that jungkook is the scariest!" hoseok retaliates, which ends with the two of them bickering over who was truly the scariest one out of the four other boys.

as tempted as he was, especially since he hadn't even had the chance to test out his own magic yet, yoongi had promised to teach him everything he knew and that made jimin want to save his first magic related thing for him and yoongi to do together.

if he chose to use magic now, he could actually see yoongi's disappointment already, but if he were to use his magic for the first time now, maybe he could impress him instead.

when he finally decided what he needed to do, he cleared his throat rather loudly to capture the attention of his two defensive friends, "i won't do anything, i'll just watch you guys, okay?" it was smart, he wouldn't get in as much trouble and yoongi would still be the first person to teach him magic.

taehyung curtly rolled his eyes, but sort of respected his decision anyways, "boring~ but don't come complaining to me if you want to join in later, jimin~" hoseok walks over to the bookshelves to grab a few interesting looking spell books and brought them back to their work station. meanwhile, taehyung grabs a few potions from the cabinet.

jimin watched as the two boys played around and splash it around carelessly. they were messy and it scared him, even though he knew almost nothing about magic, he knew that it was something that shouldn't be mistreated as such. he was more than happy with the decision he made.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

about an hour had passed since the three had been in the magic shop.

jimin was out cold on the comfy brown sofa towards the back of the room, completely unaware of what his friends were currently up to. he was in the middle of a dream that involved him and yoongi on a date together and even then, in his sleep, it made his heart flutter.

everything seemed to be going smoothly, all up until jimin's eyes shot open when he heard a bloodcurdling scream pass through his ears. suddenly, he was alarmed by the amount of black smoke in the room. a quick hand grabbed him and pulled him out of the magic shop.

both jimin's and hoseok's heart pounded against their chests rapidly, the blonde boy was left confused and hoseok was frozen in fear, it was then when he looked around to find taehyung, only he was no where to be found.

he was puzzled, confused, scared, and the look on his face did all the speaking for him, "oh hobi," his eyes starts watering, "what have you guys done?"

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

jungkook sobbed into his hands while namjoon stroked his back comfortingly, "don't worry, kookie-ah, we'll find him." the boy continued crying, only because he was the reason why his soulmate had gone in there.

earlier this same day, taehyung had been bothering him about teaching him magic, though jungkook was younger, he was definitely more skilled than even more than his hyungs. in the end, he refused to teach his soulmate magic, "if you want to learn magic that bad, figure it out your-god-damn-self!"

taehyung left their house crying and left jungkook furious at how childish his love was acting, but now he was just a little more furious at himself since that had been the last thing he said to the older boy.

"he's gone! he's fucking gone because you two were irresponsible!" he yells as he moves his hands away from his eyes and looks right at hoseok and jimin through his blurry eyes. jimin cowers at the sound of jungkook's voice and trembled in yoongi's arms.

hoseok hid like a child behind jin until he was pulled onto the olders lap, jin wiped away at his tear stained cheeks and hugged him to re-assure him that jungkook was just mad at the situation and not at him.

yoongi continued to press quick kisses onto jimin's face as the small blonde boy kept uncontrollably was shaking in his arms. when they were explaining everything it was clear that jimin was in now way a part of any of this, so he was relieved.

jungkook watched as he realized that all the people around him were going on as if nothing had even happened to taehyung. it made him feel completely horrible. namjoon continued to try and calm jungkook down by telling him a few ways he could try and get his soulmate back, but something in him snapped.

in a mere second, both jimin and hoseok had disappeared without warning from their soulmates hold, leaving jin, namjoon, and yoongi entirely confused, "don't worry," he smiled, "they're safe."

jin frustratedly got up from his seat and pulled on the collar of jungkook's shirt, he looked down to find the older boy smiling as if everything was fine, though the pain he saw in his red eyes said otherwise. "can't say the same for you, kook. bring my sunshine back."

jungkook didn't say anything at all, he only listened, "kook, if you don't bring my baby boy back right-fucking-now you're gonna regret everything you've ever done."

he didn't answer, because he had a solution, his smile grew larger as he snapped his fingers again, "if i can't have my baby, you're sure as hell not getting your babies back either. bye hyung's."

he erased the memories of himself, taehyung, and their soulmates and disappeared. only a second later, yoongi and jin found themselves still together, while no one else but them were there, now in the magic shop.

"where's my jiminie?" the older raised an eyebrow in curiosity, while yoongi anxiously tried to call his soulmate, "i don't know, but why do i feel like i'm forgetting something important?"

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

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