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All the sanses were invited to a party at Classic's house, Ink didn't really feel like going, but Dream dragged him along anyway.

Ink's POV
I was dragged to this party by Dream, so I stayed by his side, somewhat trying to annoy him for doing that. I was having a conversation with Dream when he intertwined our hands, I smiled at him. Dream made a dorky smile back, so I couldn't help but chuckle. I suddenly realised that Nightmare was glaring at us from across the room, I wasn't surprised, knowing the relationship he had with Dream at the moment. But this glare was somewhat different, it was like he was doing it for some other reason.
"Ink? Ink!" I heard Dream yelling, I turned to face him and he looked confused.
"Oh, sorry, just got caught up on something." I chuckled, Dream softly smiled at me and leaned in a little closer.
"C-Can I tell you something?..." Dream asked, I was confused at what he was going to say but I knew it couldn't be that bad.
"Sure." I replied, I smiled at the fact that Dream was quite innocent.
"I-I lo-" Dream was cut off by Nightmare stomping out into the back garden, Dream was about to stand up.
"Let me handle it, stay here and enjoy the party." I whispered, I carefully stood up and walked down the hallway and into the back garden. I saw Nightmare sitting under a tree and mumbling things to himself, I don't know what he was saying. I walked up behind the tree and stared at him for a while, but then I decided to sit next to him. So I did.
"Hey." I sighed, Nightmare looked at me with an angry look on his face.
"What do you want?..." Nightmare groaned, I stared at him for a while but then it hit me...
"Are you jealous of Dream!?" I asked, he just looked at the grass.
"And what if I am?" He asked, his face slowly growing into a blush.
"Well, I would just like to know!" I replied, Nightmare looked at me with his face now almost fully purple. He leaned in closer until I could feel his breath in his mouth, making me blush a lot. Nightmare moved even closer and closed the gap with a kiss, I wasn't shocked or surprised, I was... happy?... maybe I loved Nightmare without ever noticing, he licked my teeth for entrance, me being very happy and flustered, let him in. Nightmare's tongue searched every little inch of my mouth, making me quietly moan. Nightmare let go of the kiss and a string of saliva connected our mouths, so Nightmare licked it up.
"Well, I guess you were, but now you're not...." I whispered as I leant on Nightmare's shoulder.

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