{Fem! Ink x male! Abyss x male! Delta}{lemon}

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Ink's POV
I woke up in my bed, in the middle of the night, but something told me I shouldn't get up. So I just lay in bed and listened to my breath, but I knew something was wrong still. I got out of bed slowly, and walked over to my window to take a look outside. I saw a skeleton facing away from me, he was wearing a long blue jacket and a fluffy looking scarf thing. I didn't recognise him until he turned around and looked at me, it was Abyss. I wasn't suitable to be looked at right now, I was wearing a baggy shirt and some underwear. So I ducked down under the window, gulping and hoping he didn't see me. Suddenly there was a knock on the door,
"Coming!" I called, I quickly slipped on some leggings and ran downstairs. I was to short to look through the peeping hole so I opened the door immediately, only to be greeted my a familiar face, Abyss.
"H-Hello..." I squeaked, he had a small smirk wiped across his face.
"Hello, how are you?" Abyss asked, as if we were good friends. But I only knew him a little, so it was kinda awkward.
"Oh, uh, good, you?" I asked in surprise, he chuckled quietly as I was so confused.
"I'm great!" He replied, I looked at him and realised he was only a little bit taller than me, unlike most people.
"Oh, wanna come in?" I asked as I stepped out of the way, he slowly stepped inside and looked around.
"I-It's a little messy..." I whispered, Abyss looked at me and smiled.
"That's okay." He said, his smile sort of comforted me, it was a warm and friendly smile. I signalled Abyss to follow me, so he  did, but he was confused. I sat on the couch and pat it right next to me so he would sit down, he slowly and carefully sat down. Something didn't seem right, but it only just kicked in, and there was no way it was happening now. I squirmed a lot and Abyss noticed, he put his hand on my shoulder.
"Are you okay? What's happening?" He asked, the thing is, it was heat and I obviously couldn't tell him. That would make it even more awkward, I just kept on doing what I was doing, like he wasn't there. Abyss shook me a little and I let out a loud moan, because my arm was between my thighs, it rubbed against my womanhood. I was quick to cover my mouth and I didn't even dare to look at Abyss, everything was silent.
"O-Oh, um, s-sorry..." Abyss whispered, I gulped but all the sudden I felt him pull me closer. Causing me to blush insanely, it was getting real awkward, real fast.
"Need me to help you there?~" Abyss whispered, everything came to a stop, my breathing even. All I did was swing onto his lap, his face was brushed with a blue. I gasped when he went straight for the neck, it's like he knew my sensitive spots. Abyss only breathed on my neck for about ten seconds before he gently kissed it, I held onto his shoulders, until he started to lick it, then it turned into a grip. I gasped and moaned, he was actually quite good at this, for the person he seemed to be. Suddenly, he bit down hardly on my neck,
"A-AHHHH!!~~" I screamed in pleasure, I was way to into this that I didn't even notice the warping noise behind me.
"Woah, quite naughty~" a voice cooed, I was quick to turn around and I was greeted with Delta. Delta is a guy I have met a few times and he does seem cool, but not at the moment he didn't. Me being way to flustered to think straight said,
"J-Join us~~~" Delta's smirk grew as well as Abyss's, making me smirk too. Abyss put me on the couch and sat on the floor while Delta sat with me in his lap, Delta swiftly removed my shirt while Abyss removed my pants and underwear. I blushed in embarrassment, but they seemed to be enjoying looking at my ecto body, so I calmed down. Abyss started licking my inner thigh while Delta licked my neck, I held onto The couch and let out all gasps and moans I ever have.
"A-AHHHH!!!!~~~~~" I screamed in pleasure, Abyss had just dove his tongue into my cunt and it felt amazing. Delta bit on my neck too but that only made me gasp  a little, I could feel his jealousy boil over. I think Abyss could too, so he stopped and got onto his knees. I looked at him, with a mix of confusion and lust. I gasped loudly when I felt Delta's erect member rub against my ass, I didn't notice that Abyss already had his shorts off just enough for his member to be out. Abyss rubbed his member against my cunt and I moaned loudly, I felt Delta quickly take his shorts off so his member was out.
"Ready!~~" they both asked, I nodded and they both slowly entered me. I twitched, gasped and moaned, until the pain went away. Then I nodded for them to start moving, the started off with a fairly slow pace. I gasped loudly, until they went even faster, then it was a moan. I held onto Abyss and he groaned, they sped up incredibly fast. I screamed in pleasure a few times and I suddenly felt Abyss hit my g-spot,
"AHH!! R-RIGHT THERE!!~~" I screamed in pleasure,  Abyss smirked and thrusted hardly into me. I screamed the loudest so far,
"A-ABYSS!! DELTA!!~~~~" I screamed in pleasure again, even louder than before.
I came on Abyss's member, while they kept on thrusting for thirty seconds before they both released into me. I gasped and panted for air, before I passed out from exhaustion.

I woke up in my bed, in the middle of the night, but it seemed to be me touching myself. But then I realised...
Delta and Abyss were both cuddling me, I gasped and blushed with embarrassment.

{1042 words, hope you like it Hate_Pain_And_Murder >w>}

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