{Fem! Neko Ink x pirate Error}{lemon}

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Ink's POV
I was trying to catch a fish on the beach, while Dream and Blue were watching me from the shore. Suddenly, a giant wooden thing drew near. I then realised,
"PIRATES!!" I screamed as I hopped out of the water and onto the sand, I ran into the forest with Dream and Blue right behind me. I was quick to form into a full cat, making me run even faster, I stopped and hid behind a tree. Dream and blue never even came, I started to get worried, what if they were caught? No, they just went different directions. I turned back into a neko and sighed, pirates don't have a good reputation, but I'm sure they're kind. I heard very distant talking, I tried to listen to what they were saying. I then realised, the talking was getting louder, I ducked down slightly hiding in a bush. The footsteps drew near, I started to panic, so I breathed slightly louder. That only gave them a clue, but I couldn't stop, maybe I should run? No, I can't, they would just catch me. I am not letting today be the last day I see Dream and Blue, I needed to apologise for that fight earlier. They will think I ditched them, I froze when I could pretty much hear their breathing, they were right behind the tree. Suddenly, a black skeleton popped his head around the corner and stared at me for a while, before hurrying to grab me. I was quick to form into a cat and try to run, but he caught me. So I just tried to bite him, his gloves must've been made out of steel, They were incredibly hard. There was another skeleton with a scar under his right eye, I then realised who it was. Cross and Error captured me, I was shocked, I thought I killed them last time.


I was running from Error, when I realised the gas tank they had on their ship, I looked for a something on fire. I looked over at a torch and I transformed into full cat, jumping up and grabbing it with my mouth, careful to not light myself on fire. We were running towards the gas tank so I jumped up onto it and stabbed the torch into it, I quickly ran off of the boat and back onto the sand. I rushed back into the forest, watching as the ship blew up into flames, and I heard many screaming voices. I felt guilty, I had just killed an entire ship and the crew on it. I rushed back to The Star Sanses cave, only to lay in the corner and catch my breath, looking at Dream and Blue's worried faces.

~~flashback over~~

"Hello there, kitty~" Error whispered into my ear, I gasped a little because it sent a shiver down my spine. Error chuckled and held me in a tight grip, he walked back to the ship with Cross following behind. I gave up on trying to escape, causing me to go limp.

~~time skip~~

I have been stuck in the cell for what seemed like forever, I needed to get out of here, but how? The thing is, I can't. I'm weak and limp, but I don't understand why, probably because they have barely fed me. I heard footsteps coming towards the cell, I was quick to huddle into the corner. Shaking, I hid my face behind my tail, the footsteps stopped so I slowly moved my tail. Error was standing in front of the cell and staring at me, a lot calmer than usual. Error slowly opened the cell door and stepped inside, closing it behind him. He was hiding something behind his back, I felt my back press against the cold stone wall. Error leaned in front of me and lay a plate of cooked fish down, I looked up at him suspiciously. Error's face seemed quite trustworthy, so I slowly bite into the fish. It was delicious so I scoffed it all down, Error grinned as he glared at me. Error pulled my scarf making me kiss him, I struggled a little but then stopped and melted into the kiss. I never would have thought that Error would ever want this, it's weird. Error let go of the kiss and pushed me up against the stone wall, pinning my arms above my head. Error leaned in closer and hardly bite my neck, I gasped and moaned. My ears lay flat and my tail went stiff, Error stopped biting my neck and quickly removed my clothes. My tail quickly tried to hide my ecto body, Error licked his teeth and slowly removed his clothes. I watched as he revealed his member, it was huge so I started to squirm again. Error slowly entered me, making me gasp and moan. After a little while Error started thrusting slowly, I didn't realise that I was slightly grinding my chest into his. Error smirked and started thrusting even faster, I moaned loudly. I slightly heard moaning from another cell, I think. But I was being pleasured so much, I didn't realise. Error went even faster and a knot started to form in my stomach, I noticed what was about to happen. I screamed in pleasure as I came onto Error's member, Error kept on thrusting for a while. Without a warning, Error came inside of me. His warm seed filled me as with both panted, I gasped when I realised that I might have his child. Oh no.

((I don't really ship errink, but I did this for you guys, sorry it was late - > -))

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