{Dream x Fem! Ink}{Lemon}

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Dreams POV
I haven't seen Ink in forever, she used to be my roommate but she moved out. I have really started to miss Ink, she gave life to this house. It's been so quiet without her, I sat on the couch and looked up at the roof. Blue sat next to me and stared at me with a worried expression,
"Miss her, huh?" Blue asked, I just sighed and nodded. Blue got up and walked into the kitchen,
"Dude, c'mon, you have to get over it at some point, it's been four months!" Blue exclaimed, I just looked back down at my feet.
"Four months without anything good in my life..." I sighed, Blue gasped and stuck his head around the corner.
"What am I to you then!?" Blue asked, I looked over at him and smiled.
"You're awesome too, I just... I just..." I couldn't seem to finish my sentence, Blue gave me a smirk.
"You love her." Blue chuckled, I smiled and looked back down at my feet.
"Y-Yea...." I whispered with a slight hint of yellow on my face, Blue stuck his head back in the kitchen.
"Don't you have her number? Text her." Blue said, I gasped and quickly grabbed my phone.
"Tell her that we should definitely hang, you can tell her your feelings!" Blue chuckled once again, I rolled my eyes and started texting  


Dream: hey, we haven't seen each other in a while, you free anytime soon??

Ink: hello! I have been dying to see you, I just haven't got around to doing it, but sure! Tomorrow 5:30 pm sound good??

Dream: Aww, same! Yep, I'm free around that time!

Ink: Yay! Can't wait!

Dream: see ya!!

Ink: BYE!!

                ~~texting ended~~

I chuckled at Ink's cute responses, Blue stuck his head around the corner once more.
"Did she say yes?" Blue asked, I looked at him with a big smile on my face.
"Yep! Tomorrow 5:30 pm!" I chuckled, Blue nodded and ran out of the kitchen into his room. I re-read all of Ink's texts, they were so adorable. I don't know if I should tell her how I feel, what if she doesn't like me back? That sentence sent a shiver down my spine, nope, I'm going to do it. I will be brave, I will be strong!


It was currently 5:25 pm, I don't know if I was ready to see Ink once more. Blue just finished cooking dinner and lay it out on the table, purposely putting Ink next to me and himself on the other end of the table. I sighed and stood there waiting for Ink,
"Wow, you must really like her." Blue teased, I rolled my eyes. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I quickly ran to it, opening it gently. Ink stood out in the cold, shivering, I quickly pulled her inside. I closed the door behind Ink and hugged her tightly, she jumped a little but hugged back.
"I've missed you so much!" Ink giggled, I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"Me too!" I chuckled, I placed Ink on the chair next to mine. Ink looked at me a lot differently than other people, that's the only proof that she might love me. I sat down next to her, Blue sat across from us.

                ~~timeskip againnn~~

Me, Ink and Blue were watching a movie, it was a mixture of comedy and horror. Occasionally, there were laughs and every now and again, screams. There was a scary part and Ink held on to me for dear life, I held her close as Blue smirked.
"Alright, I think I'll go to bed." Blue yawned, both Ink and I nodded. I think now might be the time to tell her how I feel, I watched as Blue walked into his room and locked it behind him. I gulped and looked at Ink, she looked back at me. I inhaled sharply,
"Ink, I uh, I think, no, I know that.... that.... that I love you." I gulped again, Ink looked at me for a second. She definitely didn't like me back, just great.
"I love you too, Dreamy." Ink whispered under her breath, my eye sockets shot open. I was speechless, so was Ink. We sat there in silence for at least three minutes, until I decided to make a move. I slowly leaned in closer, stopping when I could feel her hot breath blow onto my face. I very slowly and gently closed the gap, Ink seemed very shy. I licked her teeth asking for entrance, Ink slowly let me in. Our tongues danced together, I slowly placed my hand on Inks hips. That made Ink jolt a little, I soothingly pulled Ink even closer. Over time Ink started being less shy, I slowly slithered my hand up her shirt. Ink didn't even seem to care, I slowly placed my hand on her breast and squeezed lightly. Ink moaned into the kiss, making me jolt. I became aroused quickly and Ink knew it, she gently placed her hand on my thigh. (?) We both slowly disconnected the kiss, staring each other in the eye sockets, I quickly removed both of our clothes. Ink slightly hid her body behind her arms, but I slowly removed them and kissed her collarbone.
"Don't be afraid~" I cooed into her ear (?), Ink blushed quite a lot at what I had just said. I placed Ink on my lap, facing me. Ink looked a little shy, then I realised.
"First time?~" I asked soothingly, Ink slightly nodded.
"It's okay, I'll be gentle.... at first~" I whispered lustfully, Ink blushed a little more. I slightly rubbed my member against Ink's womanhood, Ink moaned a little and held onto my shoulders. After a while, I started rubbing a lot harder, making ink moan louder. I decided that it was time, I gently and slowly entered my member into Ink. Ink gasped and slightly moaned, squirming a little bit. Tears pricked at the corner of both of Ink's eye sockets, after about two minutes Ink nodded. I slowly and gently thrusted into her, Ink moaned loudly. Ink's face was very begging, so I started thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Ink's moans only got louder, I wasn't even close to releasing yet. Ink screamed my name in pleasure as she came, but I kept going. Ink leaned in, holding onto my back, in a sort of hug way. It helped me to go even deeper,  I removed my member until only the tip was inside Ink, I then thrusted back in roughly. Ink screamed in pleasure once more, right near my ear (?). Making me feel a knot form in my stomach, I didn't realise what was about to happen and came inside Ink. It took me a long while of panting and removing myself for us to both realised what we had just done...

"Oh no. . ."

{1161 words, I don't ship this either, but once again, I'm doing this for you guys!}

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