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"Dude how long are you gonna ignore Autumn?"

"Until she hates me and I also know that she doesn't Even care for me"

"Shouldn't you just tell her the truth,cause I think she's also concerned about you"

"So what?like she cares did you see the way she looked at me earlier?"

"AUTUMN LIKES YOU TOO!"Jacob shouted at me making me,I was startled

"She what?"

"Look I know I shouldn't have told you that ohhh man Abby is gonna kill me"

"Dude just spit it out"

"OK fine Abby told me that She Saw Autumn crying and she said something about you kissing another girl.dude you let her saw you right?"

"Yeah I did"

"So are you gonna talk to her?"


"So you're just gonna let her go? Just like that can't you forgot what her father did?.it was her father who did wrong not her"

"Its better this way"

"Even if she falls for another man is it fine with you I think she and that Dylan guy know each other they've been talking to each other since the party a autumns seems to be enjoying his company"

"Oh and please get rid of that fake girlfriend of yours she's so clingy"

"Dude just leave me be I can handle it on my own don't tell Abby or even Autumn about our conversation" I left Jacob

It's not easy for me to just forget about what happened its all her father's fault.I hate seeing her with another man...


"So Dylan Irene is your cousin?"

"Yeah and it's so cool to see you here.I didn't get to contact you since you left Spain"

"Why Even bother contacting me?"

"Cause I missed you"

"Dylan we talked about this"

"I know that you don't have any feelings for me and all you think of me is Just a Friend.but I'll still wait for you no matter how long it takes I've already waited for two years I can wait ten years more if that's what it'll take"

"I'm sorry Dylan but you'll find another girl better than me you deserve more"

"Well I think its hard to find just any girl I only want you.so don't change just treat me like your best bud like you used to"

"Of course"

"For hurting my feelings again as a payment let's go out tomorrow"

"Deal"thats the least I can do...

"I'll pick you up at 8:00"

Could he be my one way ticket of getting rid of Hayden in my life?
Can I really forget him?

To be continued...

Until We meet Again [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now