Chapter Three

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Noroki POV

Noroki washed up their bowls after dinner, setting them on the side to drain as she emptied the sink, rinsing her hands under the tap as the bubbles faded away. Sora had come home late, but as promised he'd brought dinner home with him, and now he was in the shower. He hadn't mentioned what had called him away, although she'd seen the news, which meant it had either been worse than everyone imagined, or he just didn't want to worry her, neither were options she liked.

They'd ask if he'd help in Hosu for the next few days, they were down on their numbers, and she understood, but Sora felt it was too far away. He wouldn't make it back until late each night, and he'd have to leave early each morning. It was the thing she admired most about him. He loved his work, but he'd always insisted that family came first. What good was being a hero if he couldn't protect his family? And thankfully, his agency never pushed too hard. Sora had made it clear he'd leave if they did.


"Oh, hey." She turned around to face Todoroki who stood in the kitchen doorway, looking at the floor, blanket folded over his arms. "Are you hungry?"

"I've imposed enough."

"We saved you some, so if you want it..." She nodded towards the bowl which was left on the side.

"I should go home. It's getting late."

"Right." She glanced out of the window by the sink, it was dark already.

"Ito-san, who put me on the sofa?"

"That would be me." Sora walked past him, pulling a t-shirt on.

Todoroki turned as red as his hair.

"You fell asleep in the garden. You seemed really tired, so it didn't seem right to wake you, but I didn't want you to get cold." Noroki took the blanket from him. "I shouldn't have let you stay."

"It was... nice seeing you again."

"I'll walk you home."

"I'll be fine, it's just down the road. Thank you for having me."

Noroki looked at Sora who was just across the hallway, lazing on the sofa. He didn't hold her gaze, turning his attention back to the television, but Kaze left his lap, once again sidling up to Todoroki.

He glanced down at the cat. "If you're worried, I can message you when I get in."

"Okay." Noroki walked him to the door, watching him walk down the corridor with Kaze by his side. She closed the door, joining her brother on the sofa, pulling her phone into her lap. Hosu was on the television, the Hero Killer: Stain.


"Mmm?" He turned the channel over to the sports festival recap as he stroked Kami who curled up in his lap.

"Can I see your arm?"

He pulled his arm away from Kami, so she nuzzled her head under his other hand instead, and he held it out towards her. His arms had the same markings, like tattoos, but they weren't by choice, grey circles marked his arms. There were nine, one for each of the lives his quirk granted. The top three had scarred. Lives he'd lost. Noroki couldn't remember a time when he'd had all nine. He had the same six remaining rings around his tail, but he didn't like being touched there. In fact, he hissed every time she did.

"I don't mind you helping out, you know."

"I know you don't, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave you alone like that yet."

"It's just for a short time, right? I think they need you more than me."

"If you're sure that you'll be okay?"

Noroki nodded.

"Okay, little sister." He stood up, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "I'll get Kaze to keep an eye on you."

He left the front room, complaining about the cold. It was far from cold, and they both knew that, but he liked things warm. Kami followed him. Noroki's phone vibrated in her lap, and she glanced down, smiling at the message.

I can't get your cat to leave.


He returned to the room, drowning in a hoodie that was far too big for him. He liked the room in the hood for his ears, and it meant he could wrap his tail around his waist if he wanted. He plopped next to her, curling up on the seat, Kami in the small space in front of him.

"Todoroki got home okay."

"I know."

"Kaze won't leave him alone."

"I know." He sniggered, stretching out, kicking her as he did.

"I'll pull your tail." She kicked him back.

"You wouldn't dare."

Noroki raised her eyebrow.

"Fine." He wrapped his tail around himself, glaring at her as she got out her phone again.


Sorry I fell asleep earlier and wasted your time.

You had a busy day. We should meet up more often. I've missed lunches with you. Noroki held her phone close to her, embarrassed at her own boldness. Despite Shoto's distant nature, Noroki had always felt comfortable around him. Much more comfortable than she felt being alone.

I'm free this weekend.

Noroki glanced at Sora who appeared to be asleep next to her. It had been a busy day for him too. He hadn't been this stressed in a long time. She wouldn't worry him more.

You could come over again?


Noroki smiled, glancing at her brother who still slept, sinking a little lower into the seat, hiding her phone behind her legs. I'm in all day.

I'll let you know when I'm on my way.

When she woke the next morning, Noroki was in her bed, her phone on charge next to her and her uniform laid out over her desk chair. Kaze was practically sitting on her face and Kami was tucked into her side, which meant Sora was already up. Noroki pushed herself up, checking the time, he might've left.


"What?" He called back.


He appeared in her doorway. "I spoke to your school. They said I can drop you in early, so if you don't want to get the train alone, get dressed and have breakfast asap."

Noroki nodded, rubbing her eyes. She slipped off the bed, grabbing her uniform and shutting herself in the bathroom as she got ready for school. Her school had always done well to accommodate Sora's requests, it helped that he had been a student there too, a long time ago, and that he was a hero.

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