Chapter Four

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Shoto POV

Shoto took a seat on the train, allowing himself the moment to think back on his day, on his conversation with his mother. So easily she'd forgiven him for what he'd become. Everything she hated, everything he hated, and she forgave him. It showed how little he'd seen her in the past few years, and how little he knew her. 

The train pulled to a stop, and people bustled in. Shoto paused his thoughts, he recognised that uniform. His gaze searched the carriage.

In the far corner, back pressed into her seat, with Kaze taking up an entire spot next to her, Ito sat. She held her bag close to her chest, and gripped her phone in her hand, so much so that her knuckles had paled from the force of it.

Shoto stood, apologising as he moved through the people, standing over her. She didn't look up, holding her bag tighter, and dropping her head lower. Now that he remembered, Ito had always been polite, and friendly at school, but he'd never known her to socialise with anyone outside of school or her home.

Kaze rubbed against his side, and Shoto moved the animal so he could fit on the seat. "Ito-san."

Her attention snapped up, her phone crashing to the ground. Shoto leaned over and picked it up, holding it out for her. Her shoulders dropped, her grip loosening on her bag, and she took her phone with a smile. "Thank you."

"Why are you sitting by yourself?"

Kaze moved onto his lap, crouching to fit underneath his hand.

"Oh, Sora is in Hosu again. I said I didn't mind."

Even when they had gone to school together, Sora had always picked her up, and Shoto would often just follow them home. Sora escorted her everywhere.

She talked idly, asking him about his day, talking about school. She'd missed a test when she'd come to the sports festival yesterday, so she had to catch up. It didn't bother her, but while taking the test, she'd missed an assignment. She laughed about it.

He didn't offer to walk her home, they just walked next to each other, following the same route, and whatever pace he walked, she matched. Shoto didn't need company, but Noroki seemed to fear isolation. Was it because Sora never let her do anything alone?

"You want to come in for a bit?" He slowed down as they approached his house.

Ito glanced at the street ahead, in the direction of her home, and then back at him.

"My brother might be home, but everyone else should be out."

"Your brother?" She followed him inside, staring as she took in the surroundings. Kaze pulled at her shoe laces. She picked the cat up, passing him over to Shoto.

He was hesitant around the cat now that he knew it could communicate directly with her brother, but it didn't stop the animal who had been pressed against his leg the whole way home.

"I should message Sora. Kaze is probably making him freak out." Noroki put her phone back in her blazer. She'd already mentioned Sora had given her strict instruction to go straight home from school. Her phone buzzed in response.

Noroki rolled her eyes and showed Todoroki the message.

If you go anywhere in that house without Kaze, you're grounded.

Her phone vibrated again.

For life.

Never leaving the house again.


She sighed and type out a reply, muttering how embarrassing he was. Kaze hissed at her and Noroki stuck her tongue out at her pet. It was a far cry from her behaviour on the train when he'd spotted her alone.

"Come on, I'll show you around." Shoto went to step upstairs when Natsuo appeared in front of him, grinning from ear to ear. Shoto walked past him.

"Fuyumi said you were going to see Mum."

"I did."

Natsuo turned his attention to Ito. Kaze had moved back in front of her, eyeing them both.

"Ito-san, this is my brother, Natsuo."

"Todoroki-san." She bowed.

Natsuo nudged him, still grinning, voice low, "She's cute."

Shoto glanced darkly at his brother. "Come on, Ito-san."

Ito gave Natsuo a smile, catching up behind him as he walked up the stairs. She commented several times on how spacious it was. Compared to the small apartment she shared with her brother, he imagined it wasn't something she was used to.

"Todoroki-kun?" She took off her school blazer putting it on the floor, next to her, letting Kaze curl up into it.

He glanced up at her. They both sat on the floor of the training hall, legs out in front of them, facing each other. Kaze had nipped at him when he showed her his room, and Natsuo had stalked them when they went outside, so he'd suggested they come back in. Fuyumi was keeping his brother busy.

"Why do you have a training hall in your home?"

"How else would he train his quirk?"

What the hell was he doing home?

Shoto went to reach for her hand, to pull her out of the room with him, but he stopped himself. Noroki could get skittish, he couldn't just act. They should just leave. Sora should be back soon. He could walk her home and wait with her.

Ito rushed to her feet, kicking Kaze behind her, and bowing again. She was far more respectful than his father deserved. "Todoroki-san."

His father's eyes swept over her, before settling on him. "Aren't you going to introduce your... friend?"

Shoto looked away. She'd stay bowing until he did. "Ito Noroki."


"Yes, sir."

"Your parents were heroes."

Why hadn't he made that connection? Her parents had both been well known pro heroes. Perhaps because their names hadn't been mentioned in a long time.

"I--" Her fists clenched at her side, and Kaze stretched, raising his tail. "Yes, sir."

"I knew them, they were very powerful. Which quirk do you have?"

"Don't answer that." Shoto snapped pushing himself to his feet, grabbing her blazer, shoving it into her hand. "I'll walk you home."

"I..." She looked to him, and nodded, pulling her blazer on, picking Kaze up.

"I was just thinking," his father called after them, causing Ito to pause. "Once Shoto becomes my sidekick, it would be good to have someone with him who can bolster his quirk."

He wouldn't be his father's sidekick, and he wouldn't let that man use one of his friends that way, especially someone as innocent and naïve as she was.

"I don't have either of their specific quirks, sir."

"Then what do you have?"

"A combination."

And just like that, his father smirked, eyes lighting up.

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