Chapter 10 - A confusing Confrontation

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Chapter 10. A confusing confrontation

Reina and Zachleya froze as Rodna answered," Oh, we're just arguing and trying to prove to Zachleya that there are flat chested females, a woman with no breasts. It's possible, right? I mean, I know I love my babies on my chest but it is possible to live without them."

"RODNA!" Both girls hissed with alarm.

"What? I'm just..........," It finally sank in that someone other than her sisters had spoken, "Oh no."

Rodna slowly turned to face the source of the new voice from behind them. There were three tall flat chested females and one full female standing behind her in the door way.

Rodna took note that one of the flat chested females looked like a doctor, another was probably a sniper due to the rifle she was carrying, and the last one looked like a person who was in authority. The full female had long blonde hair being held in a ponytail while the rest had short black military haircuts. How odd.

Suddenly, Reina reached out to punch Zachleya's left shoulder, "Zach, do you see? See? I was right! They do exist! Go on, Rodna, go touch their chests!"

Rodna moved closer and put both her hands on the leader's chest and started to pat it all over, "You have no breasts," She then turned to the blonde, "But you have breasts. How come?"

The blonde female spoke up, "I'll explain everything to you, sweetheart."

Zachleya frowned as Rodna stepped back from her examination, "Sweetheart? What's a sweetheart?"

Reina arched a brow," Umm, I'm pretty sure that it would be unhealthy to have a sweetheart. Too much sugar isn't good for your body."

"It's a term of endearment."

"Oh......what's an endearment?"

"It's kind of like a pet name."

Rodna flinched, "We're not your pets."

The blonde scratched her head, "It's kind of like a form of affection."

"We just met, how can develop affection for us that quickly?" Zachleya asked as the blonde threw hands up in frustration.

"It is scientifically proven, that in order to grow affection for someone, you must live with them for a month, six months or a year."

The blonde ran a hand across her face, "I.... uhhh, sometimes, you know, girl to girl. We can be affectionate. We're all the same species."

The three girls nodded.

"Okay, makes sense," Zachleya said.

"May we come in? "the leader asked as she took a step forward. Her voice sounded very deep.

This time all three girls nodded in agreement as the four strangers moved into the Medical Bay. Bellona and Ariel rushed up to stand beside their beds innocently when they heard them coming in.

The visitors stopped and stood on the left side of the room while Rodna, Reina and Zachleya joined their two sisters beside their beds.

"What were you doing? "the sniper asked as Ariel attempted to look casual.

"Nothing. Just, walking around stretching," Bellona spoke up as she pretended to stretch her arms.

"Arguing. You know, normal things, "Ariel added.

"Definitely, normal things."

"Oh. Okay."

Before anyone could say another word, Ava walked out of the storage room, head down, with syringes, scalps, medical razors, scissors and morphine in her arms," Alright girls, I know this isn't what we're use to but at least, it's enough to do some damage."

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