Chapter 13 - Are you feeling sick?

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Chapter 13. Are you feeling sick?

Ava and Rodna had run out to see a green truck come to a complete halt and instantly, soldiers began jumping off the truck.

Others were carried off in makeshift beds as they were too injured to walk or stand. Ava stood off to the side as Reina ran up with Bellona, Kenneth and Christian in tow.

Without hesitation, Reina stepped forward to help some of the soldiers  move to the infirmary.

Rodna had made her way to the back  of the truck to help as well when suddenly, one of the soldier's lost his footing from his way down the truck and stumbled.

Luckily, Rodna was there to catch him by his shoulder.

Scott ,the soldier who had ungracefully stumbled, was surprised and a little in awe of the new girl that had just caught him. Clearly she was new, otherwise they would have seen each other a long time ago.

“Easy there,” Rodna warned as the Scott leaned away to get a better look at her.

When Rodna noticed that he was staring at her, her face turned red and she started to feel shy for the first time in her life.

“Sorry, thanks for the help, “Scott apologized as they hastily backed away from each other.

“No problem.”

He was about to say something else when Christian came behind him and clapped his shoulder, “How was it, Scott?”

Scott shook his head, “It could have been a massacre. We were scouting out the new camps, especially the one that was thought to have New Genesis’ mega weapon. It was going good but then things went horribly wrong.”


“Out of no-where, we started to receive heavy fire and their men soon joined in, we got away just in time but many of us were badly injured. One of the men was lucky enough to get into a tent and saw what looked like great numbers on a map surrounding their camp and multiple hostiles heading towards our other camps. Could be new soldiers.”

Christian craned his head and looked around,”Where's Nathaniel?”

“He took it hard. Those were his men out there. He's probably gone off to find a place to get his head back together.”

Bellona pursed her lips as she heard the report. Things did not sound good out there. Something had to be done.

Scott was ordered to go to the Infirmary before Christian turned to Bellona,”We'll be sending out another team, do you want to go?”

Bellona nodded.

“Do you have any field experiences?”

“I have more than two thousand hours of simulation experience, does that count?”

Christian upper lip twitched,” S-sure, as long as you're able to take care of yourself in fight?”


“Okay, Beta team moves out in five.Get a bagpack from Kenneth and get ready.”

With a quick salute, Bellona turned and marched over to Ava, who was watching the forest with an anxious face, “Tell the girls I've gone out with the new scouting party.”

Ava's face fell, “Are you serious? Bellona…… shouldn't we not get separated? Especially in a new territory we are unfamiliar with?”

Bellona gave her a proud smile, “Glad to see that you remember all the tactics I've taught you.”

Ava snorted, “That’s because you wouldn't stop harassing me and everyone else until we did.”

“Good time, good times.”

That earned her a dark look from her fellow sister, “Be serious.”

“I am, take care.”

Bellona then turned and ran over to a squad waiting at the entrance of the camp where Kenneth handed her a bag before they all ran off into the dark and beyond.

Rodna had by then moved over to stand beside Ava with a dreamy face. 
Ava was about to turn and walk away when she saw her face.

“Gah! Rodna! You're turning red!” Ava exclaimed as Rodna turned to her with a gasp.

Ava placed a hand on her sister's left cheek, “You’re not burning up but your face has turned red as a beetroot.”

“It is?” Rodna squeaked.

"How do you feel?"

Rodna shook her,"I don't know, my stomach feels all fluttery inside and I feel a little a little lightheaded."

“Are you feeling sick? Do you think you've caught  a new airborne virus? Because I don't remember any of these symtoms from our health classes that might match an illness.”

Rodna shrugged helplessly as Ava moved to push her forward,” W-what are you doing?”

“Taking you to see Reina, maybe she can help you along with those soldiers. She is the doctor in our family.”

“We can't, she will be busy in surgery with those soldiers. Let's just go and see her later.”


With her lips pursed, Rodna turned walked away before Ava could finished her sentence.

"Seriously?! I was in the middle of convincing you!"

"Drop it,Ava!"

Sorry about the late update.

I have been busy writing News stories for my Journalism class so I had to make that a priority. I need marks to graduate in Uni so,please, be patient with me.

Thank you to those who have viewed my story. It is appreciated.

Please vote or leave a comment, again, it will be appreciated.


ravenrockz out.

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