💕j e a l o u s y - o.sh💕

804 40 3

There you sat on the couch, legs crossed as you casually scrolled down your Instagram. The day had been tiring and there hadn't been a moment where you hadn't wished to just throw yourself onto the bed or something soft in general. In this case, the couch had been the closest thing in your way and you were currently planning to make it your natural habitat.

Not so long after you were joined by your boyfriend Sehun, he gave you a quick peck on the cheek before also adverting his eyes on the bright screen of his phone. The silence between the two was comfortable as if the both of you were too tired to start a conversation, so it just stayed like that.

But that silence wasn't going to last long as you were currently stumbling across funny and cute videos of your bias from BTS, you couldn't just keep in the small giggles whenever Jin would dramatically groan with the food peeking out of his mouth because it probably tasted delicious. Your mood was immediately enlightened with that, and there was a constant smile playing on your lips.

Though Sehun didn't look too satisfied with what was lifting up your mood as he eyes your screen with a frown creasing on his forehead. His finger pointed at the screen, nearly startling you as he slowly asked: "who is that."

"You know very well who that is, Sehun." You rolled your eyes at him, though you couldn't hide the smirk caused by his behavior.

"Yeah whatever his name Jinseo, I don't care, why don't you watch funny and cute videos on me, there are lots of them on the internet." He complained, eventually shutting down his phone just to cross his arms and look at you.

You met his gaze and raised an eyebrow at him.

"First of all, his name is Seok Jin, secondly, I don't need to watch videos to know that you're funny and cute, you know that." Sehun's cheeks visibly pinked at your flattering words as he spoke through a pout.

"Well true but I'm your boyfriend, you should only fangirl over me, not some other singer."

"Stop being jealous, you know I only have eyes for you." You sighed while gazing back at your phone, your thumb automatically started scrolling.

"Is he cuter than me when he eats?"

"Sehun! Stop it!" You gasped at his sudden childishness, you had to bit down your lip to keep a serious face and not smile because honestly, jealous or not, he was overall the cutest boy you knew and not even Seok Jin could ever replace him.

"Jin is cute and funny but you're the one who I fell in love with, happy? Now stop making me say corny things." You finally said with a sigh and Sehun seemed very content with your answer as there was suddenly a cheerful eye smile on his face while he snaked his arms around your waist, hugging you into a cuddling position. 

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