Chapter 2

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(This is going to be a long ass chapter [over 2400 words] so, buckle the fuck up, and here we go)

Hank, Connor and (Y/N) were in the car that stopped by a place called Chicken Feed. Hank was the first to get out and walk onto the street.

"Whoa! Hey! Hey! Hey!" Hank yelled at the oncoming car that stopped in front of him as he was walking over the street but crossed safely.

"Hank. How' you doing?" A man said greeting Hank.

"Eh, you know, same old shit" Hank said answering the man's question.

"Plastic with you?" The man asked Hank.

"Only temporary..." Hank said as Connor got out of the car motioning (Y/N) to follow.

"Hey, hey, hey... Hank!" Another man greeted Hank, "How you doin', man?"

"¡Ese!" Hank responded to the man that greeted him and hugged him, Hank doing the same.

"Hey, listen, I got a shit-hot tip for you" The man Hank just greeted said to him. Connor and (Y/N) started to cross the street.

"Number five in the third," The same man said again, "Lickety-split!"

"That filly's one hell of a chaser," The man said to Hank as Connor and (Y/N) reached the other side of the street, "You wanna flutter?" The man asked.

"Last shit-hot tip you gave me set me back a week's wages, Pedro" Hank told the man. The man, Pedro, laughed.

"Come on, this is different, it's 100% guaranteed. You can't go wrong" Pedro said leaning on the truck. Connor reached Hank, (Y/N) quietly behind him.

Connor scanned Pedro,

Born: 01/25/2005 // Unemployed
Criminal record: Illegal gambling, fraud

"Yeah, right..." Hank said thinking about Pedro's offer, "Alright, I'm in" Hank handed Pedro some money.

"Damn, straight!" Pedro said and took the money from Hank and walked off, "Hey! You won't regret this!" Pedro said and continued.

Connor walked beside Hank, Hank saw this and shortly groaned.

"What is your problem?" Hank asked Connor, slightly looking at the android, "Don't you ever do as you're told?" Hank asked now looking at Connor. Connor looked at Hank.

"Look, you don't have to follow me around like a poodle!" Hank tried to reason with Connor in his normal voice. Hank sighed and Connor looked in front of him.

"We're sorry for our behavior back at the police station, We didn't mean to be unpleasant" Connor said and Hank scoffed softly, "Isn't that right, (Y/N)?" Connor said looking at (Y/N).

"Yes, I am sorry for my behavior" (Y/N) said walking to Hank's other side.

"Oh, wow..." Hank said staring at something else, "You two even got a brown-nosing apology program!" Hank smiled slightly.

"Guys at CyberLife thought of everything, huh?" Hank continued to speak, Connor stayed quiet.

The other man who was left gave Hank his food. Connor also scanned him for security measures.

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