Chapter 6

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Hey guys so sorry, I want to update every week but it's been busy but you don't care. This chapter is also a tad bit shorter. I believe I have lost my touch to writing so this may not be the way I usually write. Sorry for the inconvenience. Anyway here's your chapter, ENJOY!!

Snow was falling in Detroit, caking the streets with white, cold powder. Hank was sitting on a bench but not like any human being, no. He sat on the with his feet on the base you sit on and the rest of his body on top of the bench.

Connor walked up to Hank, standing beside him. (Y/N) was no where to be seen for the first time in a while since she follows Connor around like a lovesick puppy.

"Nice view, huh?..." Hank said feeling Connor's presence and from the crunching in the snow, "I used to come here a lot before..." Hank hesitated and took a sip of his liquor.

Connor stared of into space, listening closely to every word Hank spoke. Hank didn't even look at Connor.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Hank asked suddenly, "I don't hear her absurd commentary" Hank said. 

"I do not know where (Y/N) went but she must be nearby" Connor said looking at Hank, "But can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?" Connor said turning to look at Hank and crossing his arms.

"Do all androids ask so many personal questions or is it just you?" Hank said also turning to look at Connor and pointing at him for a short second with the Hank his liquor was in.

"We saw a photo of a child... on your kitchen table" Connor said making Hank turn back to the front, "It was your son, right?" Connor established.

"Yeah... His name was Cole" Hank responded looking down to his feet. Connor uncrossed his arms and looked in front of him.

"You should stop drinking, Lieutenant" (Y/N) said appearing behind Hank, Hank flinch at the sudden voice but didn't move, "It could have serious consequences for your health" (Y/N) finished sounding concerned.

"That's the idea" Hank said turning to (Y/N) taking another sip in her face just to spite her and prove his point.

(Sorry, but I just imagine (Y/N)'s face looking so done with Hank XD)

Connor then walked and stopped a few feet away from the short fence, keeping anyone from falling into the freezing cold water.

"We're not making any progress on this investigation..." Connor said seeming slightly frustrated, "The deviants have nothing in common" Connor said shaking his head and folding his arms.

While Connor was talking, (Y/N) walked to the front of the bench and sat down on it, moving Hank's liquor under his legs. Hank just gave her another look and drank from his bottle.

"They're all different models, produced at different times, in different places..." Connor said turning to Hank.

"Well, there must be some link" Hank said supporting Connor without his own knowledge. No one noticed, it was hidden behind empty words.

Connor unfolded his arms once more and looked back to the front. There was a short lived silence.

"What they have in common is this obsession with rA9..." (Y/N) spoke, Hank looked at her questioningly, "It's almost like some kind of... myth"

"Something they invented that wasn't part of their original program..." Connor said catching on what (Y/N) was saying.

"Androids believing in God..." Hank said as both the androids looked at him, "Fuck, what's this world coming to?" Hank said taking another sip of liquor. Connor's arms were folded yet again.

"You seem preoccupied, Lieutenant..." Connor said turning to Hank.

"Is it something to do with what happened back at the Eden Club?" (Y/N) questioned, getting up to stand beside Connor. Hank looked Connor and (Y/N).

"Those two girls... They just wanted to be together... They really seemed" Hank said pausing for a second, "in love..." Hank said, he looked like he was contemplating something.

"They can simulate human emotions m, but they're machines" Connor said being rational.

"And machines form feel anything" (Y/N) said agreeing with Connor.

"What about you two?..." Hank said taking another drink from his liquor, most likely finishing it and got up.

"You look human, sound human, but what are you really?" Hank said looking at Connor and (Y/N).

"We're what ever you want us to be, Lieutenant" Connor spoke neutrally.

"Your partner..." (Y/N) said following what Connor is talking about.

"Your buddy to drink with..." Connor said this time.

"Or just a machine..." (Y/N) said with no emotion whatsoever.

"Designed to accomplish a task" Connor ended the sentence.

"You could've shot those two girls, but you didn't" Hank said walking up to Connor, "Why didn't you shoot, Connor?" Hank said pushing Connor backwards making (Y/N)'s LED shine yellow for a second but turned back to blue unnoticed.

"Hm? Some scruples suddenly enter into your program?" Hank said coming closer to Connor again. (Y/N) walked back her place beside Connor.

"No... I just decided not to shoot, that's all..." Connor finished and Hank pulled out his gun pointing it straight at Connor's head. Connor didn't seem fazed by it one bit... (Y/N) on the other hand didn't seem too pleased with Hank's action but didn't move.

"But are you afraid to die, Connor?" Hank said, "What about you, (Y/N)?" Hank said training the gun on the shorter android and back to Connor.

"I would certainly find it regrettable to be... interrupted... before I can finish this investigation" Connor said.

"What will happen if I shoot this trigger?" Hank asked, his finger dangerously close to pulling the trigger., "Hm? Nothing? Oblivion? Android heaven?"

"Where does all your anger come from, Lieutenant?" (Y/N) suddenly interjected, "Some... unresolved trauma in your past?" (Y/N) said and Hank turned the gun to her head.

"You think you're so fucking smart..." Hank sneered, "Always one step ahead, huh? Tell me this, smart ass..."

There was a silence for a short while.

"How do I know you're not deviants?" Hank said, his finger slowly moving further away from the trigger.

"We self-test regularly. We know what we are, and what we are not" Connor said glancing at (Y/N) who was staring at the gun in Hank's hands. His hands started shaking and put the gun back.

Hank walked back to the bench and grabbed another bottle of liquor.

"Where are you going?" (Y/N) asked Hank but looked at Connor.

"To get drunker" Was all Hank said as he started to leave, "I need to think" Hank said opening the bottle and taking a sip.

Connor then looked at Hank leaving, feeling (Y/N) move towards him. He looked at her with a confused face. (Y/N) ignore him and also looked at Hank leaving.

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