Chapter 4 (Part 1 of 2)

442 13 6

-Connor's third person-

November 6th, 2038
PM 07:51:04

Software Instability

Connor opened his eyes to be faced with a calming atmosphere. The rain was calm as Connor walked with an umbrella, his mission to find Amanda.

Connor walked over the lake on a pathway to Amanda who was calmly standing still.

"Hello, Amanda" Connor greeted the woman with white and yellow overalls.

"Connor, I've been expecting you..." Amanda said noticing Connor's presence, "Would you mind a little walk?" Amanda asked as Connor smiled slightly and walked beside Amanda, opening up the umbrella he had with him. They started walking.

"That deviant seemed to be an intriguing case" Amanda started as Connor looked at her, "A pity you didn't manage to capture it..." She said and sounded disappointed.

"I have no excuse" Connor said looking straight forward, "I should have been more efficient" He stated. Amanda looked up at Connor and back to looking forward.

"Did you manage to learn anything?" Amanda asked Connor who thought for a second.

"I found its diary, but it was encrypted" Connor explained to Amanda, "It may take weeks to decipher"

"What else?" Amanda asked and waited for his answer.

"The walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols" Connor said explaining more, "Like the other deviants, it seemed obsessed with rA9"

"You came very close to capturing that deviant..." Amanda said to him and there was a silence for a short while.

"How is your relationship with the Lieutenant developing?" Amanda asked.

"He seemed grateful that I saved his life on the roof" Connor said thinking about it, "He didn't say anything, but he expressed it in his own way..." Connor said and Amanda stopped walking on the path that was arched over the lake. Connor stopped walking to standing on front of Amanda.

"We don't have much time" Amanda said looking at Connor seriously, "Deviancy continues to spread. It's only a matter of time before the media finds out about it" Amanda said seriously.

"We need to stop this, whatever it takes" Amanda said looking at Connor.

"I will solve this investigation, Amanda" Connor said reassuring his statement, "I won't disappoint you" Connor finished.

"A new case just came in" Amanda said , "Find Anderson and investigate it" Amanda said and walked past Connor.


Connor found (Y/N) and they both went in a taxi to Hank's house. The rain had started once more.

"You have reached your destination. Thank you for traveling with Detroit Taxis. We look forward to seeing you again" The taxi's automated female voice said as Connor and (Y/N) got out.

The taxi's door closed and drove away as Connor and (Y/N) stood on the lawn looking at Hank's home.


They walked to the door and Connor knocked first.

"Lieutenant Anderson?" He said loudly so that Hank could hear him. Connor then proceeded to ring the doorbell, "Anybody home?" Connor yelled again.

Connor rang the doorbell one last time, holding it for a while. Nothing.

"What now?" (Y/N) asked Connor, she was standing beside him. Connor though.

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