Chapter 12. Teamwork [FINALE PT. 1]

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"Y/N, Y/N!" Shiro Yells tapping your shoulder.
"What's wrong with her?!" lance yells
"I don't know" Shiro responds but is soon cut off when you turn around and faced them. They all screamed when they looked at you. Your wings were 2 times the size they were before, there were long curly horns piercing out of your head, white and black glowing liquid rolling from your eyes down your cheek. You looked almost like a light Angel and a dark angel hybrid, but everything seems as if it were a reflection of everything. Not necessarily really there. Yet it didn't seem any less intimidating.

You kept repeating the same words Over and over again, "he's hurt, he's hurt" that all you said. Everyone backed away slowly, you started to follow them when you were stopped by the sound of Keith's voice. You turned around to look at him laying there still unconscious, you thought you just imagined it. You turned back around to follow everyone else again, when you heard the voice once more. It was almost like an echo. It said "Stop..please" and that's it.

Then that's when it hit you, you realized what you were doing. Your eyes turned back to normal but your horns and wings were still there. You looked at the horrified faces of the crew and tried to go up to them. Shiro and Allura stood in front of everyone.

"Not a single step closer, Y/N.." Allura said.
This hit you, they feared you. But you didn't want to make them even more unhappy so you did as you were told and backed away. You walked over to where Keith was, Laid your head on his chest. Tears begin to stream down. You were a monster you told yourself, they are afraid of you. All you were trying to do was... save the one you actually love. You stood up, whipped away the tears and walked back over to the group.

"I'm sorry, please don't fear me I didn't mean to—" you were cut off by lance stepping between Allura and shiro and wrapping his arms around you. You were shocked, and so were Shiro and Allura. You and lance both hugged for a while.
"We get Y/N.. you just a wanted to save him, we all do. But we have to work together to do this, you have friends that care about you now. Your apart of the team, and a team works things out together." Lance says going back in for one more hug. "Heh and maybe after all this chaos is over we could go out, ya know a night on the town" he says with his jerky smile.
"Lance, we are literally in the middle of space," You tell him.
Everyone laughs.

Everyone heads back over to Keith.
"Coran, why can't we put him in the healing pod?" Lance asks
"I'm afraid with his level of injury the healing pod won't work, he's badly injured the healing pod won't do anything," Coran tells us.
"Well we need to figure out something quick his Vidal signs are going down as we speak." Shiro informs everyone.

You try to think of things that will help him and then you remember what a dark angel told you back when you had your wings. She taught you how to bring someone back from the dead. Keith wasn't dead but we was crazy injured and you had no other ideas. But there were some repercussions to this. You have to give up half of your remaining life span, but at this point you didn't even care you just wanted him safe.

"Stand back," you said, no one argued. You places two fingers on his forehead and 5 fingers on his chest. You start changing words in a different language and the room starts glowing. A sudden gust of wind, a cool chill. Then the room when dark, everyone went silent. You collapsed on the floor, unconscious. Everyone ran over to you.

Keith coughed and opened his eyes, but there was something different. Now Keith's right eye was completely white. He could still see fine, but that wasn't the worst thing everyone had to worry about. He glanced down to see you laying on the floor and started to freak out.

"WHAT happened to her?!" He started yelling.
"She saved you! Don't worry she's just unconscious" Shiro told Keith.
They laid you on a bed and waited for you to wake up. Keith stayed sitting by your bedside all night, waiting for you to wake up.

[Next day]
Your eyes finally start to flutter open, your eyes are a bit blurry and you have a killer headache but you look to your bedside and see Keith looking at you with tears in his eyes.
"K-Keith?" You say as your eyes start clearing up.
"Y/N! Oh thank god your okay!" He says wrapping his arms around you so tight. He releases from the hug and you see his eye. You place your hand on his cheek, droplets form in your eyes. Everything gets heavy.
"I'm so sorry... I should have protected you, and now your eye it's—" you start to ramble but Keith pulls your head into his chest to calm you. "You have nothing to apologize for Y/N," he lets you go and you two look deeply into each other's eyes. Your face gets warm at he slides closer to you.
"I love you Y/N.." he says looking lovingly into your eyes and whipping away your tears.
"I love you too Keith.." you say back to him. You feel his lips push against yours as you close your eyes. Once it ends you look at him, put your forehead against his and smile. But then of corse the moment is ruined when Lance walks in.

"... YOUR AWAKE! And your..- *GASPPP* KEITH! Y/N! KEITH AND Y/N! KEITH YOU STOLE MY WIFE! COME HERE MULLET!!" Lance screams as he rolls up his sleeves to try to beat up Keith.
"Lance!" You say and he stopped mid walk and looks at you "leave him alone I'm not your wife." You say rolling your eyes.

"Whatever... but I'm glad your awake Y/N, you should rest I'll.. leave you two.. be.." he says walking out. Giving one last glare to Keith. Keith rolls his eyes.

"So how did you save me exactly?" Keith asks you putting his hand over yours.
"Well... back when I had my wings, one of the other dark angels taught me how to bring someone back from the dead.. and well you were close enough to death it worked. But there were some. Repercussions, and side affects. One of the repercussions were giving up half of my remaining life span and.. one of many side affects is your eye turning white.." You tell him looking down.
"Wait wait wait, did you say giving up half of your remaining life span?" He says startled.
You nod in agreement, "but I had to, I had to save you."
He pulls you in, "thank you... I guess we'll have to use those remaining years of your life to the fullest... together." He says smiling at you.
"Defiantly.." you say pecking him on the lips.

[Heyo guys, haha sorry for the awkwardly long break from this book I just always forget to update lol! Sorry about that, well I hope this was good for part one of two Finale chapters! I don't really know when part two will come out but I'll defiantly try to get it to you soon! Also when I'm finished I'll still be writing more I will just need some ideas for what you all want to see! So yeah! I love you all hope you enjoyed this, baiii


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