197 13 284

Episode in season: 4

Episode overall: 92

Title: 'A Katy or a Gaga'

Aired: November 7th, 2013

Favorite Songs:

Marry the Night


starchild is so cool and talented, like wth. plus elliot was a good character imo.

i didn't like how kurt was judging the way that he dressed though, like i love you, but you wore some crazy outfits in high school; so you have no room to talk.



that's literally all i have to say about this performance lmao.

i just can't with them sometimes, and blaine's hair. 😂😂😂😂 and the costumes omggg.

ALSO, Will-stupid butt- Schuester is at it once again. How are you going to suspend a girl because she isn't comfortable in a costume?? what kind of teacher are you?? and none of the team helped or defended her!

Wide Awake

i think they did a really pretty job with this one.

personally think they did better than the original.

blaine looks so proud too, lmao.


so i was paying attention to darren in a loin cloth and oof.

this song is also catchy and i almost forgot this is the episode where stupid Jake cheated on Marley with that bish named Bree.

Favorite Quotes:

"Noooooooo! Why, God?!" -Tina

"Orange is the new black, and Unique is the new Gaga." -Unique

"I'm a Katy Perry and I'm proud of it." -Blaine

"She seems like a Katy but she's secretly a Gaga, and she only dates Gags and I'm a Katy." -Sam

"I'm pretty sure he makes up these rando lessons a split second before he writes em on the board." -Kitty

"I had Artie first, bee-yatch! You get my sloppy seconds, oh snap!" -Becky

"The glee club you specifically asked me to try and mess with is doing some Katy Perry-Lady Gaga week in an attempt to get 100% of America to not like them." -Bree

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