Broken III

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"Tell me, what time is it?"

He barely looked at her, his hair was down and his fringe hid away his dark blue eyes. He heard a slam on the table and he was now staring at her eyes.

They used to be fill with love and affection...

but now?

They held nothing but rage and order.

Something he couldn't stand seeing any longer. He quickly gripped her hand that was tugging his hair roughly as he was kneeling on the floor. 

"Tell me," She uttered so quietly it was almost as deadly as her words.

"What time is it?"

"5:10." He finally answered but groaned in pain. 

"And what time did you arrive home?" She questioned again, her grip growing even more tight as her words clawed his ears. 

"5:05" He muttered.

"WHAT?" She yelled.

"5:05" He answered more loudly as she released her hold against him. She placed her hand on the table while staring at her son with a disdained look on her face. 

She tsked in irritation.

Never trust a child to be punctual when not disciplined enough.

"Next time." She bent down to his level. She stared to his indifferent eyes while picking his chin up so that he couldn't look away. 

"Don't be late again and or else." She let his chin dropped and went to her room. 

Once he heard that she locked her door, he pushed his hair away from his face and sighed. It was another day, nothing more and nothing less he thought bitterly.

He slowly got up from the floor, he rubbed his butt before dusting himself off from invisible dirt that had stuck on him. He whipped out two elastic hair bands and tied his hair into two pigtails.

He quietly did his chores as he heard his so called mother talking to someone on her phone, probably work again. He gripped the broom he was holding and tightened it like it will break soon.

Just hold on for four more hours.

Lights flickered shut as the scene went quiet for a while. Nagisa waited for a few minutes as he glanced at his clock by the door.

it was almost 10 o'clock.

He quickly showered and changed into a loose baggy long sleeved shirt with a hood and black jeans with rubber shoes. He picked up his phone from his desk to see a notification going off for a moment making him eyed the message.

Back door.

He placed his phone on his pocket as he went to the other side of his room. He unlocked his windows and opened them wide for him to exit. He lifted one leg up and another before carefully gliding his body down the draining pipe.

His feet hit the thick walls of his gate as he casually walked to the end corner of the gate to a small ladder he made when he was younger. He got down and began jogging.

He heaved quietly as he slid past the guards and entered to the destined environment. He hook his hood up to hid his face as he saw a few guys walking near him.

He quietly hid himself at a wall a little bit near to them before they disappeared off in a good distance. Nagisa went back walking til he finally reached the building.

He went around and removed his hood when he finally saw the man who had waited for him.

Karma was leaning his body against the wall while sipping his milk like every other evening. He noticed Nagisa even before they were centimeters away from each other.

Broken Bounds •  karmagisa ✓Where stories live. Discover now