Broken V

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"998... 999...1000! Congratulations sir, which prize would you like to have?" The guy from the ticket counter proclaimed as he dully clapped his hands for his customers.

Karma was smiling with happiness while Nagisa's wallet was crying in the background.

Goodbye last month's allowance, he thought sadly. 

The redhead was scanning the row of prizes on the topmost shelf before glancing at Nagisa who was sulking slightly. He wrapped his arm around him while asking him, "Pick one." He coolly asked and his friend rolled his eyes at him as he stared at the topmost shelf as well.

He looked briefly at one of the prizes before shifting his gaze to a different direction. Karma caught the look before pointing his index finger to one of the prizes. 

"That one."

"Where do you want to go next?" Karma asked as they walked around the city square, a strawberry milk box at hand while Nagisa was holding the prize they won earlier. It was a size of a throw pillow, it was an odd little thing that caught his eye.

It was yellow plush bipedal octopus with a large bulbous head and black beady eyes, it was wearing a black academic dress, a small black squarish academic cap with a yellow tassel, and a large black tie with a yellow crescent-shaped moon on it. The most charming thing about it would be its large grin that was sewn across its face. 

It may look a bit strange but Nagisa felt it was a cute little thing.

He hugged the little thing to his chest. It was a little big but it was extremely soft that you could barely make no effort of squeezing its body. Although it was adorable, he wasted a lot of money for this stupid, idiotic thing. 

1000 tickets, my foot. 

"You hungry? I guess we haven't ate since we left the arcade house." The redhead mentioned as he looked around and dragged his friend to a nearby fast food chain. As those words left his lips, Nagisa felt he was getting hungry and a soft growl escape his stomach. 

Once they were inside the restaurant. Karma told Nagisa to find them a seat while he would wait in line to order their food. 

Nagisa looked around and found a table and he was about to grab the chair til he found his hand on top of some one else. He looked up and froze.

It wasn't a good day today as he stared into the eyes of the student council president. He felt his body shook with fright, not because he was scared for himself but he was scared for Karma.

Karma and Asano were literally life rivals. Although the redhead was an ND student, he was the top student in the whole ND batch and had beaten Asano a few times in the past years whether it was academic, extra-curricular, sports, or in just plain looks. 

Asano didn't like Karma to begin with and he would what it takes to bring him down. Even if it meant he had to play dirty as snitching him.

He had done once, it wouldn't disadvantage him if he did it once more. 

"Kaichou..." Nagisa finally spoke as he felt his lungs were constricted for a brief moment before air had finally filled them in. Asano was, also, shocked as he came across the person he was hoping to meet but didn't find the time to have a proper conversation with. 

"Hello." Asano greeted with a pleasant smile.

"You can have the seat." Nagisa said, ditching the table but the student council president grabbed his wrist.

The blue-haired boy turned around in slight shock and Asano was too.


"We can share, I'm just waiting for my council." Asano suggested and Nagisa felt pale at his words.

Broken Bounds •  karmagisa ✓Where stories live. Discover now