Broken XV

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White dots filled the scenery as Nagisa exhaled, soft clouds forming as each breath escaped his lips. He readjusted his jacket before proceeding to walk back home. 

It was now the Christmas vacation, meaning it was his final Christmas vacation as a high school student. It felt like a breeze, so swift yet so subtle to feel that in just a few weeks or months he would finally be leaving the academy. 

But it never meant that he would be finally free from the clasps of his maternal figure. He sighed, another cloud forming past his chapped lips as his eyes landed on the game center that he and Karma went not too long ago. 

It felt nostalgic for some reason. 

It has been a while since he last saw the redhead. The last time he saw Karma was when he and the student council president won that math competition days ago.

The redhead was standing on stage, it was probably the first time that he ever set foot on that wooden platform without any negative doings lacing behind his back. It felt odd so to say, they were just inches apart as Nagisa was literally facing him just below the stage sitting with his fellow classmates.

It felt weird that Karma was the first to ignore him when their eyes met that day. It was blank, no traces of emotions surfacing anytime soon as he stand on the center of the stage with the student council officer who wanted nothing more than to be done and get everything over with.

It felt empty, hollow so to say. 

Nagisa sneezed, rubbing his nose by the irritation before walking past the gaming center. He still had the plush toy with him at home, it was still in tip top shape even though it was the most bizarre yet adorable thing that Karma could ever had won for him. 

His feet felt heavy as he neared his home. He didn't know why it suddenly dawn on him but as soon he entered the building and removed his shoes, he heard a voice. 

His eyes widen by the familiar sound before slowly walking towards the living room to see his mother talking with someone---Father? He thought as he stayed put near the entrance to the living room. 

 It has been so long since he last saw his paternal figure. It felt like a decade even though it has been a year and half since he last saw him. 

It was strange feeling, he couldn't exactly concretely define the feeling as their eyes met for a brief second before the father gave a warm smile at his only son. "Hey," He started to say, ignoring his spouse's words and an aggressive huff coming from her. 

"Hello." He greeted back, not attempting to come closer as he felt his feet pinned to the ground not bothering to move any inch. 

The father continued to smile before glancing back at his spouse. "You better get going, you don't want to be late for your appointment." He stated and the mother didn't replied but picked up her belongings and left with a short goodbye.

Now it was just the two of them in the house as the sounds of the car blared off in the distance. "You look disappointed to see me." The father began, scratching his nape as he spoke. 

Nagisa blinked by those words. "I didn't expect you to come home so soon." 

The father sighed, "Me too, but here I am." He tried to humor but the son didn't find it at least bit funny. He slumped his shoulders before placing a hand on his hip and looking back at his son. 

The younger man felt different, his presence had definitely changed over the time that he was gone but something else kept bugging him. It felt like something missing was gone, or something lacking so to say.

Broken Bounds •  karmagisa ✓Where stories live. Discover now