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"What? No kiss? A declaration of love and then no kiss?"

"It's not midnight yet."

"You cheesy fool."

"You have to say it too. Do you love me too? Or at least like me?"

"It might be a little early to say "love", Liam. But I am definitely leaning that way. But I'll need a kiss to be sure."

"No kisses, Zaynie! Not for 12 more minutes!"

"I may go insane!"

"Are you guys decent? We're coming up to see the fireworks?"

"Yes, Niall, we're wearing our clothes unfortunately! Oh stop blushing, Liam!"

"You're such a flirt, Zaynie."

"Please? Kisses to cement our love? Our beginning?"

"Five more minutes, eyelashes."

"Finish drinking your coffee then."

"So you two aren't going to kiss until midnight, and Larry over there won't stop kissing until midnight."

"Fight me, Horan."

"Sure, Lewis."

"Should we do a countdown?"

"Nah, that's lame."







"That enough of a kiss for ya, eyelashes?"

"Wow, you're a good kisser."

"So are you." 

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