Chapter 1: New home.

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This Story is written by not only me but also @AgentShadow15 I hope you like it we do not own anything Marvel only our OCs.


'Find anyone willing to go through the experiments' The head scientist says over the phone.

"Yeah yeah I know some of these people are way too easy I just have to say revenge and they come, I'll bring you someone don't worry" the girl says looking around.

The little town is filled with people who look depressed, but many look like they wouldn't last any experiments. She goes around until she sees a young girl, begging on the side of the street.

"Any change?" The girl asks, an American accent present.

"What is an American doing here begging for money?"

"I was abandoned by my foster parents."

"Well, I work for a company that takes people like you in help you become stronger so you don't have to deal with people like your foster parents."


"Yeah its an experimental process but all of the people that go through it come out stronger."


"Once in awhile our patients come out with powers, it's just how their body reacts to the drug, and me well I ended up with a metal arm," She tells her showing her left arm.

"Wow. Do all of your patients survive?"

"Most of them yes, the only ones that didn't either didn't listen to our instructions or killed themselves because they couldn't handle their powers."

The girl looks down, thinking if it is worth it, she looks back up and nods her head in agreement.

"Let's get you off the street then"

"What's your name?" The girl asks, grabbing a crutch and gets up.

"Maria but no one really calls me that they call me by my last name which is Volkov it means Wolf"

"That is a cool name," she smiles. "But sounds weird, I'll just call you Maria."

"It's Russian my dad is one of the doctors you'll be working with, you got a name?"

"Gabrielle Roselin."

"Well Gabrielle get in, I'm bringing you to your new home," Maria says motioning at the jeep.

Gabrielle nods and uses the old crutch to get to the jeep, that is when Maria notices the gashes on her legs.

"What are those from?"

"Oh, my foster father did them, to make sure I couldn't follow them when they left," Gabrielle explains.

"Well with your new strength you can get back at him for those," Maria says trying to hide the anger she has towards horrible parents.

"I hope so."

"Rest, its a bit of a ride"

Gabrielle nods and settles into the seat, soon falling asleep. Maria looks over to the girl who is still asleep as they get closer and sighs, she hated doing this after all these years but she couldn't leave not yet at least so she brings these lonely vulnerable people in and tries not to get attached to them.

"You only brought one?" Her father asks, as he watches Wolfgang talk to Gabrielle.

"You're lucky I brought you one at all she was the best option out of everyone there. No one else looked like they would survive the experiments. She's American, abandoned by her foster parents wants to get some kind of revenge towards them."

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