Chapter 9

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"Reports say that she is back" A woman with long beautiful brown hair whispered to a man with spiky blonde hair.

"She?" He asked, completely curious of what the woman stated.

"The Beholder of Slayers...The Fusion Slayer...Lyra" Another man said, his equally long green hair slightly swaying with the wind.

"Then let's go make a visit, Raijinshū" 


Fighting is their form of friendship. It is not a normal day in Fairy Tail without the continuous fighting. The three females of Team Natsu and a blonde sat on stools, conversing with the smiling bartender.

"What were you guys smiling about when Happy asked where Natsu was?" The blonde asked, never forgetting the question from a few days ago. She couldn't help it, the curiosity had been killing her.

"He was at my apartment building" Erza responded, taking a quick glance at Lyra before sipping her water.

Lucy's face flushed a deep red as she instantly took the woman's words in the wrong way.

"I-I didn't know that you and N-Natsu were that close" The blonde brown eyed female stuttered, trying to cool her hot cheeks.

The liquid, previously in Erza's mouth, sprayed all over the wooden counter. The woman's cheeks instantly matched her fiery red locks.

"N-n-no! I didn't mean he was in my room!!" She responded, quickly wiping her mouth with a napkin, "He was in Lyra's"

Lyra instantly landed a blow on the back of the requip mage's head. Erza sent a glare at the blue eyed blonde. Lucy raised an eyebrow and smirked, knowing exactly what Erza meant.

"It's not what you think!" Lyra exclaimed, "He brought me home because I was drunk!"

Lucy's smirk widened as the duo gave the blonde an 'I get it' look.

"No no that's not what I meant!"

Lucy and Erza erupted in a fit of laughter, finding the female's reaction amusing.

The fights. The laughter. The conversations. The entire building fell silent as the double doors slammed open, lightning followings the movement of the people entering.

"Where is Lyra Callisto?!"

A large bulky man followed by three mages entered the building. The large blonde man scanned the room, his eyes landing on a specific female. Her back facing him as her companions completely ignored the male. A flash of yellow reflected from his eyes as four lightning bolts escaped his hand. The powerful bolts raced its way to Lyra. Before it could touch the centre of her back, she glanced over her shoulder to catch sight of the four mages. Her eyes became pitch black as the lightning coursed through her limbs.

Lucy and Wendy's eyes widened, fear and shock clear in them.

"Laxus what are you doing?!?" Lucy screeched.

"Baka she wasn't paying attention" Erza yelled, her hands clenching into fists.

Natsu's hand lit ablaze as ice surrounded Gray's. 

"Then she's dead" The woman named Evergreen stated with a large smirk.

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