Chapter 25

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"Master Reina, Lyra has released Lucy from the spell I had casted" A petite woman with long flowing brown hair whispered, her head hanging low in embarrassment.

This female is recognized as Misaki, the so called Leader of Deimos. But she is not. Misaki and Rin, the Deimos Sisters, are simply the puppets. The making of plans, the recruiting of members, and especially the deaths are all controlled by the 'real' leader. Master Reina Callisto, the unknown twin sister of Lyra Callisto. The Dragon-God Slayer is well known but no one knows about Reina. And they prefer to keep it that way. 

She is a complete mystery, sure she is a water dragon slayer but what else does she have? Is she equally as strong as her sister? Is she also an artificial God Slayer?

No one knows, not even the Deimos Sisters.

The blonde dragon slayer screamed in frustration. Her hand knocked the flower vase right off the bed side table, relieving a sliver of the stress. Deimos is currently at residence in an abandoned village, the hotel being the main head quarters.

"How could you let that happen?!"

Misaki winced slightly, Reina screaming loudly right at her ear. With another scream, the blonde's fist connected with the cracked wall. The impact was so immense, her hand ended up going through the bricks.

That is the familiar dragon slaying strength. Maybe the twin sisters are equal in power.

"I'm s-sorry Master Reina" The brunette whispered, her voice slightly cracking.

The door of the hotel room slammed open, cracking the wall slightly.

"I sensed that hit, what happened?" Yet another female appeared.

She looked exactly like Misaki, well besides their obvious age difference. Although this brunette has much shorter hair, barely reaching the shoulders.

"Leave, BOTH OF YOU. You have no use to me right now!!" Reina screamed, her bloody hand pointing to the open door.

Rin, the older one of the two, nodded and dragged her sibling out the door. She desperately did not want to be scolded by Master Reina; the consequences are always taken to the extreme. The blonde rubbed her temples as she began to pace the room, stress and worry taking over her mind.

Misaki had revealed so much! She had informed to Lyra that Deimos is after her. It was supposed to be a sudden attack on Lyra and Lyra only. But something about that guild had caught her eye. It is a guild filled with strong and unique members. Asking them to join Deimos is definitely out of the question, they all walk in the light. Not a single one of them in the darkness. That is the problem; Reina wants a few of their members. 

But that can never happen.

Taking Lyra back is more than enough, and she will get her back no matter what. If Fairy Tail decides to interfere then the members of Deimos will step in. Previously, it was only planned for Misaki and Rin to battle. But if worse comes to worse, the members will fight, maybe even Reina.

The blonde plopped down on the messy bed, thoughts and plans running through her mind. She is more of the analytical type, always thinking two steps ahead. Maybe even an entire battle ahead.

"I guess the battle will have to be closer than originally planned." 


Her heart pounded against her chest, the breaths being short and fast. Scratches and dirt patches decorated her skin once more. But these injuries weren't caused by the incident with Lucy. No, these are caused by the quick S-Class mission Lyra had just completed. The blonde wobbled into the Fairy Tail guild building. The familiar happy aura and loud volume is oddly welcoming, as if they had completely forgotten about the rumour that Lucy had spread a few days ago.

Her bright blue eyes scanned the building, searching for the brown eyed celestial mage. The dragon slayer bolted over to the table Lucy currently sat at.

"Oh hello Lyra!" She greeted her hand waving from right to left.

The blonde simply extended her hand out, a sack of jewels plopping on the table.

"It's to pay for the door and window"

"Oh no it's fine Lyra, you don't have-"

"I broke them so I have the responsibility to pay for the repairs"

Before Lucy could have the chance to protest, the blonde was out the door. Every step she took, a tear escaped her electric blue eyes. She could feel her sister, they are near, but not close enough. The distance may just give her the right amount of time. That's all she wished for. More Time. 

More time with Fairy Tail. 

More time with life. 

....More time with Natsu


The voice took her by surprise, her mind completely blanking at the thought of this person. 

The person she wanted the least to see her in tears. 

"N-Natsu...p-please leave me alone" She begged, picking up her pace. 

But as she did that, the male followed promptly. He would not let her go that easily...not again. Natsu sprinted forward, his arms wrapping around her body. She halted due to his restraint, head hanging low to mask the tears. 

"At least tell me who made you cry"

He spun her around; their faces too close for comfort. His eyes reflected the fiery anger, thinking someone had hurt his so called 'mate'. She couldn't help but slightly smile when she had realized that, someone truly cares for her. Not because they were told to, but because they wanted to. 

"No one...I just..." 

She couldn't find words to complete her statement, her mind completely focused on her closeness. His eyes softened when Lyra informed him no one had hurt her, what a relief that is. His attention moved to the same exact thing she was thinking of. 

The closeness. 

With a smirk he began to lean in, believing that is what she wanted as well. Natsu's left hand remained on the small of her back, the other gliding down her arm. All the way to her shaking hand, from there he intertwined their fingers. 

She did not resist. 

He took that as a sign to continue so that is exactly what he did. It is just a millimetre apart, their lips practically grazing each other. 

"I'm leaving!" She yelled right before they can share a kiss. 

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