In The Death Of The Night

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    (Y/N) took a deep breath as she stood outside the police headquarters of Republic City. It has only been a few hours since she arrived at Republic City. But (Y/N) wasn't one who likes to dawdle. She liked to complete her tasks as it gives her self satisfaction. That's most probably the reason why she was a detective.

    (Y/N) pushed open the huge doors and walked in. As she had expected, it was quite busy, filled with police officers going about their usual routine. She hummed in approval and made her way to her designated destination.

    She was stopped short by a policeman who smiled at her. “Excuse me, ma'am. Please forgive me for my rudeness, but where exactly do you plan to go?” he asked rather politely. (Y/N) made a mental note of that.

    She gave him a fake smile. “I'm here to see Chief Lin Bei Fong.” she replied. He chuckled and smiled at her. “I'm sorry ma'am. But you have to go through the normal procedures, like everyone else. The Chief is a busy woman after all. Not just anyone can meet her without an appointment.” he said.

    She lowered her sunglasses, her (E/C) looked into his dark ones. “Indeed. But am I really just anyone?” she asked while flashing an envelope in front of him.


    He took it and opened it. He took the letter inside and unfolded it tentatively, reading the first few lines. His facial expression changed and he looked at her in amazement. She smirked at him. “I'm so sorry, detective. I didn't know…”

    “Don't bother.” she replied as she snatched the letter out of his hands and walked away. “Do you need any assistance in finding the Chief’s office?” he called out. “I'm not accustomed to asking anyone for help.” she replied.

    True enough, without anyone's help, she found Chief Beifong’s office. Before she could knock, the door burst open. A middle age monk walked out with an angry looking teenage water tribe. The man nodded his head at (Y/N). “A pleasant evening to you, ma'am.” he wished. “A pleasant evening it is, indeed.” she exchanged.

    The teenager didn't look at her, but just walked ahead in angry strides. How rude, (Y/N) thought. She walked in and found the chief sitting at her table while massaging her temples. “Good evening, Chief Lin Beifong.” (Y/N) greeted the older lady.

    Chief Beifong just glanced at her and groaned. “If you have any civilian matters, take it to the police officers down there.” she replied.

    (Y/N) chuckled as she made herself comfortable on the chair opposite the Chief. “I believe you are the one who called me here, Chief.” she said as she held out the letter. Chief Lin Beifong took the letter and read it, her eyes widen.

    “Detective (Y/N)! I wasn't expecting you today. I thought you might want to recuperate after that awfully long journey from the Fire Fountain City.” Chief Lin Beifong exclaimed.

    “Well, I do rather like to get straight to my tasks.” (Y/N) replied. The Chief smiled at her. “Nice. I think we will get along just fine.” she said.

    “In your letter, you briefly mentioned a crisis in Republic City that requires my utmost attention.” (Y/N) said, immediately getting to business. Chief Beifong nodded solemnly. “Yes, so it would seem. Do you know anything about the Equalists? Or their masked leader, Amon?” she asked.

    (Y/N) shook her head. “No. I’m sorry, I am afraid I don't. News of the outside world is rather hard to come by from where I reside.” she replied. “The Equalists are non-benders who believe that the world should be rid of bending. To make the lives of non-benders more peaceful. To make the world an equal place.” the Chief explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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