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Kelly. The last person on Earth I wanted to see. She leaned in and kissed me. What the hell. Why is everyone kissing me. I saw a bright flash, and pulled away from the horrible kiss. I could taste the alcohol on her lips. Disgusting. I looked to see were the flash came from. Quinn.

---- Alexa's POV 😅 ---

Seriously I've been crying for like an hour. Teo still hasn't checked up on me. I guess he really doesn't care about me. He doesn't love me. He's such a jerk. My phone vibrated a few times, I picked it up hoping it would be Teo...and it wasn't it was from Quinn. Ugh what does she want I said as I put my passcode in to unlock my phone. The message pulled up..

Quinn🎀💕: I'm not the only one your boy got caught kissing.

---I didn't believe her....

Then I got another text from Quinn...

It was a picture of Teo kissing Kelly.

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