Romeo Candlewick

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After hearing the explosion from a few blocks away, you and Blake ran towards it to investigate it. The two of you had to push a few people out of the way in order to get closer to the blast site. As you were running, Blake had leapt up to the roof tops and used her ribbon to bring yo up as well. The two of you began to run across the roof tops towards the site of the explosion. From the rooftop, the two of you saw some thugs leaving a dust shop and loading into into an armored van.

Before the two of you were about to attack, from the smoke in the dust store was Roman Torchwick himself. You grew a sense of anger as he nearly killed Blake. You took out your drill and lunged towards Roman.

Blake: (Y/N), wait!

That got the thugs attention as you landed and quickly defended yourself from a thug who attempt to swing a blade at you. You kicked the thug in the stomach and backflipped kicked them in the face. Before another goon could attack, they were shot away by Blake, as she ran in and kicked them in the head.

Roman: (To a thug) I'm tella ya, these kids just keep getting weirder and weirder. (Projecting) Well, (Y/N), Kitty. It is good to see you two again, however, the boys and I have some somewhere to be. So, ta ta for now!

Blake aimed and fired at Roman. Before the bullets could hit him however, the armored van pulled back and blocked the bullets from Roman. The van then pulled forward and Roman was gone. The two of you ran forward and saw Roman was hanging off the side of the van while it zoomed down the street.

You took aim with your rocket and opened fire. The rocket was quickly able to catch up with he van, prompting Roman to turn around and face you both.

Roman: Oh...fu-

However, before the rocket could hit, Roman chucked some fire dust out from his pocket and caused the rocket to explode in mid-air. You groan as Blake draws her blade and took off after Roman. Roman groaned to himself and began to fire round after round with his cane. Blake easily avoided the attacks. However, due to speed that the van was going at, Blake couldn't keep up.

Once the van made a turn, Blake took her chance and leapt back to the rooftops with you quickly giving chase. The two of you followed the van to the next intersection and then jumped down on top of it. Blake activated her pistol mode and fired at the front tire, causing the van to flip into the air. While in the air, Roman is thrown from the side of the van towards you two. He moved his cane and swung it like a bat, hitting Blake in the face. Before you could fall to the ground, you grabbed Blake bridal style and twisted your body to fall onto the ground with your back first, keeping Blake secured.

Blake: Thanks for the save.

(Y/N): Eh, it's what I do.

The two of you got up and faced Roman. However, as you turned, he fired a round containing burn dust, igniting your jacket.

(Y/N): No!

Blake ran over to you and tore the jacket off of you before the flames could consume you.

Blake: Come on, he's getting away!

(Y/N): I'll uh-I'll handle the others.

Blake: Fine. Just be safe.

(Y/N): You too, Kitten.

She rolled her eyes and took off from Roman who was climbing up a fire ladder at a nearby building. You ran back to your jacket and began to step on the flames to put them out. Once they were gone, you reached inside and grabbed the book, charred and burned.

(Y/N): Great. That's just great.

You felt some anger grow in you saw you turned back and saw Roman just barely about to reach the roof level. You aimed your rocket and took fire at Roman. Like before, Roman heard the rocket incoming and leapt off of the ladder and onto the edge of the building as the rocket came into contact with the building.

Blake threw her grabbling hook and latched onto another section of the building and swung. She was able to build up enough force to propel her up into the air and meet Roman on the roof. You grunted and ran forward, using falling debris as a catapult up towards the roof. Once you were on the roof, you saw that he and Blake were already engaged in a fight.

You ran over and swung your drill by Roman you jumped back a bit. However, he was kicked in the side by Blake and sent flying towards the edge of the roof.

(Y/N): It's over, Romeo! Surrender!

Roman: Man, I hate you kids! And they do too!

From behind Roman, a bullhead arose and took aim at both you and Blake and opened fire. You two began to evade while Roman boarded the ship and also took aim at you. After missing a few rounds, he grew visibly angry and walked to the cockpit.

Roman: Dust is still down there! Gonna need Plan B!

The piloted nodded and moved the bullhead towards the wreckage of the armored van and dust and opened fire. The van exploded, killing the three thugs with Roman and destroying every ounce of dust. You and Blake looked on in horror and fright as Roman and whoever he was with took off into the sky, flying away from the two of you.

The two of you returned to Beacon, defeated as Roman escaped once again. You were even more defeated as you lost your gift to Blake and she was infuriated. Not at you, thankfully, but more so at herself.

(Y/N): Blake, calm down.

Blake: We had him! We could have taken him down once and for all!

(Y/N): Blake! You and I both want to take this guy down. But we can't keep doing this to ourselves. So, let's just cool off for a bit and rest up. Besides, Summer Break is almost here.

Blake: It's only a break for 2 weeks between semesters.

(Y/N): Still is a break. So...let's slow down a bit and just enjoy this.

Blake: Fine...just this once.

(Y/N): Works for me, Kitten.

The door opened to Blake's dorm and in came the rest of her team.

Ruby: Blake, we heard about the robbery! Are you two ok?

Blake: We're fine, Ruby. Roman was there.

Weiss: And I take it by the defeated looks he escaped.

Blake nodded. Weiss walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Weiss: It's ok. We'll stop him soon enough. Besides, it's summer break.

(Y/N): That's what I said.

Blake: So...what's your point?

Weiss: Well, uh-

Yang: JNPR won this contest to head towards Obstinatus, an island resort just off the coast of eastern Sanus.

Ruby: And they invited everyone with them. Including your team, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Cool. We could use a vacation. Right, Blake?

Blake: I don't know.

Yang: How about this?

Yang takes Blake over to a secured part of the room and whispers something within her ear. A blush forms on Blake's face as you, Ruby and Weiss give questioning looks.

Blake: Really?

Yang: Really really.

Blake: Fine. Just this once. Let's do it.

(Y/N): Great. I'll tell the guys.

Ruby: I tell Jaune!

(Y/N): This is going to be fun. Trust me.

Blake: Alright. It will be. 

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into my HeartWhere stories live. Discover now