Chapter Nine:'Hell's darkness'

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Hey guys sorry I haven't been able to update before today. I tried writing one on Wednesday but it was awful so I decided to rest and continue writing another time

Mina's POV

Mina looked at Izuku, her eyes wide in shock, in front of her stood the villain side of Izuku, she walked back a few steps before collapsing to the ground, Tsuyu caught her. Mina looked at Tsuyu her eyes were wide in shock just like everyone else "Izuku are you okay?" Mr.Aizawa asked braking the silence, he stepped forwards, Izuku's gaze landed on him "what do you think your doing Mr.Aizawa?" he asked the pro hero "checking to see if my student is okay" Mr.Aizawa replied, Izuku turned his entire body towards Mr.Aizawa "I recommend that you don't do" Izuku threatened. Mina stood up, her legs shaking from fear "I-Izuku I know you're in there" she said towards Izuku and Izuku turned towards her "well aren't you a clever cookie? Did you just figure it out or something? And what's with the 'I know you're in there' cliché moment your trying to create?" Izuku said coldly, Mina's face grew in surprise, this is the first time Izuku had ever spoken to her like that, tears seemed to form in her eyes blurring her vision, she wiped at her eyes to get the tears away, but they continued to appear. Mr.Aizawa grabbed Izuku "something is wrong with you come with me everything will be alright" Mr.Aizawa reassured Izuku whilst attempting to drag Izuku through the USJ, Izuku looked at Mr.Aizawa with a blank expression on his face, he punched Mr.Aizawa in the gut knocking Mr.Aizawa back, a sadistic smile seemed to grow on Izuku's face "touch me again and I'll kill you.." Izuku said with a sadistic laugh. Darkness rose from Izuku's body "that goes to anyone here attempt to touch me and you will die" Izuku threatened, Mr.Aizawa lunged at Izuku and captured Izuku with his scarf, Izuku gazed at him, curiosity in his eyes "hells attack" Izuku said and the darkness rushed towards Mr.Aizawa leaving hardly any time to dodge the attack, Mr.Aizawa jumped back and the darkness ripped his goggles off, the darkness then ripped his scarf in half freeing Izuku from its grasp, Mr.Aizawa looked surprised "I guess even when your bound you are able to use your that's a powerfull quirk" Mr.Aizawa motioned towards the darkness which surrounded Izuku's body "trying to start a conversation in the middle of a fight? And how exactly are you a pro again? Because to me you are weak" Izuku replied "well guess you'll find out how I'm a pro wont you?" Mr.Aizawa said whilst activating his quirk, his eyes grew wide as the darkness still lingered around Izuku, "well I'm waiting eraser head" Izuku said with another sadistic laugh, "hells attack" Izuku said once again, the darkness was on Mr.Aizawa in a matter of seconds, leaving no time for Mr.Aizawa to dodge, the darkness was inches from Mr,Aizawa's face when the doors to the main entrance burst open, in the doorway stood All Might "I am here!" All Might's voice burst through the USJ, the darkness stopped, Izuku looked up towards All Might "great the symbol of peace is here....." Izuku muttered, All Might's eyes grew wide in shock "is everyone okay? And um........where are all the villains?" All Might asked "I scared them away" Izuku replied, anger flashed across Izuku's face All Might looked at him in confusion "young Midoriya are you okay?" All Might asked "All Might there is something wrong with Izuku Midoriya I think that something has taken control of him" Mr.Aizawa explained whilst backing off, he then motioned for the rest of the class to do the same "something has taken control of young Midoriya? Those villains will pay!" All Might yelled in anger "no one can control me and I'm offended that you think so All Might but then again you just like toying with other's feelings don't you? Telling kids they cant be hero's and then the very same day giving them hope.....and then allowing them to get broken in an exam isn't that just cruel?"Izuku said whilst laughing, All Might's face grew into a hurt expression "this isn't you young Midoriya...." All Might said with a tone of sadness in his voice "oh but it is....its just the side that I never revealed to you" Izuku replied, Izuku let out another sadistic laugh. All Might leaped from the staircase and landed next to Mr.Aizawa, he stalked across the room towards Izuku "I'm sorry young Midoriya but you clearly need to be restrained it seems that all this stress has been to much for you" All Might said with a hint of guilt in his voice, All Might punched Izuku in the stomach sending him flying into a wall, blood covered Izuku as he stood there without moving, his hand was dangling off of his arm by a thread. Mina's eyes grew wide as she starred at the horror before her, she began to run towards Izuku only to be stopped by Bakugou, tears began to race down her cheeks "he's hurt" was all Mina could say. Everyone's attention was drawn back to Izuku as he let out another sadistic laugh before coughing up blood, Izuku looked at his dangling hand "that hurt" he said and then quickly added "if my hand stays like this then it can be an enormous weakness healing it would take too long with attaching the bone back together then the only option is to replace it" he then grabbed onto his dangling hand with his other hand, he gritted his teeth as his ripped the rest of the hand off, he let out a cry of pain "hells replacement" Izuku muttered through gritted teeth. The darkness swarmed at the stump of the arm, the darkness then began to form into the shape of a hand, the darkness then disappeared revealing a hand in its place. Izuku looked towards All Might, Anger flashed across his face "you'll pay for that" Izuku yelled in anger, he began to slowly walk towards All Might "hell's armour!" Izuku yelled and the darkness consumed him, covering every inch of his body, Izuku then flew towards All Might, his arms seemed to turn into blades, All Might kicked off of the ground and rushed towards Izuku determination in his eyes, Izuku spun mid air and kicked All Might threw the air towards the rest of the students which just got back from where they were transported, Izuku rushed towards All Might but stopped dead in his tracks as a bullet bounced off of him, Mina looked up to see the pros standing at the top of the staircase, Mina was filled with relief as they began to walk down the steps towards the class, Izuku looked at them with a sadistic smile on his face "you dare to shoot me?" he yelled at the hero's and laughed once again "Midoriya give up we outnumber you surrender now and we can get sort this problem out" Mr.Aizawa demanded, Izuku simply laughed "you may outnumber me but that means nothing I have the power to kill All Might the symbol of peace!" Izuku yelled out in fury "and what exactly is that quirk your using because it doesn't look like the quirk you normally use" Mr.Aizawa asked "well seen as you'll all be dead soon I guess I will tell you its called 'hells darkness' it is incredibly strong" Izuku replied "Deku you've been hiding this quirk because you thought you were better than me haven't you?!" Bakugou yelled, Bakugou flew towards Izuku, Bakugou let off massive explosion from his gauntlets right next to Izuku leaving no time for Izuku to dodge, Mina let out a scream of terror, she felt her heart ache as she knew that no one could survive an explosion like that when they were two feet away, a hand appeared out of the smoke from the explosion and grabbed Bakugou's neck. The smoke cleared to reveal Izuku without a scratch lifting Bakugou up by the neck "did I hide it? Yes because I have the power to destroy anything I wanted to so my mother told me I was forbidden to use it...." Izuku explained "I'll kill you Deku" Bakugou said whilst struggling to get out of Izuku's grasp "deku.....yes I like it....that shall be the name of the greatest villain.....wont that be ironic the nickname you used to bully me will be feared by everyone!" Izuku yelled as he threw Bakugou towards the pro's only to be caught by All Might, Mr.Aizawa stepped forward "Midoriya final chance surrender now and let us help you or get forced to surrender" Mr.Aizawa threatened, Izuku laughed once again "you just don't get it do you? I have the power to kill All Might and you can't erase it! I am the strongest person here!" Izuku yelled at the hero's "that's where your wrong my love" a voice replied, Mina's eyes darted to the source of the voice and her eyes grew wide, behind the pro's stood Angel, Angel creeped in front of the hero's "you think you can stand against me?" Izuku asked his sadistic smile had vanished replaced with a stern look "oh I know I can" Angel replied, Izuku looked around the room "your on your own you fool I can easily kill one of your kind and still have enough power to get out safely!" Izuku yelled in triumph "she isn't on her own Izuku Midoriya" another voice said, Mina's eyes grew even wider as figure's of light rose from he ground "well if it isn't the council of light" Izuku muttered through gritted teeth, he then turned around and muttered "hell's wings", wings then appeared on Izuku's back, Izuku flew through the roof "find him quickly!" principle Nezu ordered and the pro's ran out of the USJ following Izuku, Angel looked towards the class "well it looks like the secret is out" she said and the figures of light turned to look at the class "guess we will have to kill them or make sure they don't tell anyone......" on figure said "but first we need to find the boy after all he is going to release 'him'" another figure said "who is this 'him' you are talking about?" Mr.Aizawa asked and the council of light turned to look at him "'he' is the most dangerous villain that was killed by the number one hero before All Might became the symbol of peace he is also Izuku Midoriya's uncle"

To be continued.....

Hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed. I noticed last chapter that I forgot to explain 'heavens charge' which creates the light to either kill or knock out whoever the user sees as an enemy the drawbacks are that it uses to much power and would most likely leave the user powerless and un able to defend themselves from another attack it is mostly used as ending move against the user's enemy. Anyways I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Wolf out.

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