Chapter Fourteen: 'the sports festival' part 2.

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Hey guys I'm back! I was originally planning on updating this earlier but instead I created a new book! I'm also going to create another one so if I ever feel stuck on one book I can take a step back and focus on a different story which will also give me ideas for this one because as I write more ideas pop into my head! Anyways enjoy!

Izuku's POV:

"And the winner is Izuku Midoriya!" present mic yelled at the top of his lungs, Izuku simply sat down on the ground and sighed 'I could've finished earlier if it wasn't for the fact that I would've cleared a path for the rest of them to use not giving them a chance to show their quirks' Izuku thought as Todoroki and Bakugou ran past the finish line gasping for breath, Bakugou immediately turned towards Izuku and marched towards him "Deku! How the hell did you do that you quirkless loser!" Bakugou exclaimed his tone filled with anger, "did you not see? Or are you blind because I have a quirk....a powerful quirk stronger than your weak little explosion that's for sure" Izuku replied looking at Bakugou with emotionless eyes, Bakugou was about to attack Izuku before the teachers ordered for them to line up. After the rest of the students finished Midnight announced the next event they would be participating in and explained what the rules were, after finishing everyone began to form groups with each other all aiming for one target Izuku Midoriya, Izuku sighed under his breath before noticing that he didn't have a group "well normally we would give equal members to all groups but this year one person will be going solo and it looks like that is you Izuku Midoriya!" Midnight stated before yelling at us to begin, everyone rushed towards Izuku aiming to grab his headband "heavens speed" Izuku said underneath his breath before completely vanishing from everyone's sights "how the hell did he do that? He is quirkless!" Bakugou yelled in frustration whilst letting explosions off in his hands as a warning to others, Izuku suddenly appeared behind Bakugou before leaping into the air and grabbing Bakugou's headband, Bakugou raised his hands into the air and let off an explosion, filling the area with smoke "that that you useless deku!" Bakugou yelled in triumph, "did you say something?" Izuku asked from beside Kirishima, Bakugou's eyes grew wide as a smirk creeped onto Izuku's face before Kirishima leaped for Izuku's headband, Izuku jumped back raising his arms in defence giving Kirishima the opportunity to grabs Bakugous headband back, Izuku laughed in surprise "interesting! I like the way you think!" Izuku exclaimed as his eyes were filled with happiness "this is fun!" Izuku yelled as he ran towards another group, suddenly ice blocked his path "huh? Ice?" Izuku questioned before Todoroki and his group strolled up to him "I'm sorry Midoriya but can you please pass that headband over" Todoroki asked before surrounding him in ice "huh I'm trapped....guess I'll have to use it even though I wanted to save it for later" Izuku said with a sigh, Iida got himself into a sprinting position Izuku realised what was about to happen before saying "heavens wings!" at the same time Iida yelled "Recipro burst!" light filled the arena as it crawled its way onto Izuku's back, Iida charged at him at his fastest speed but Izuku leaped into the sky revealing wings on his back he then flew towards Todoroki approaching from Todoroki's left side before flames blocked his path "huh ice and flames? Interesting" Izuku said as he flew away, he stayed in the air before Bakugou used his explosions to boost him into the air "what the hell is that Deku?! Were you hiding it from me because you thought you could beat me?! Please! It would take you a million years just to get as good as me Deku!" Bakugou yelled extending his hand out for Izuku's headband "you are right it would take me a million years to be as good as you" Izuku replied with emotionless eyes, he then appeared directly in front of Bakugou's face with Bakugou's arm going past Izuku's head "but that's because It would take a million years for me to become as weak as you because I am stronger than you'll ever be" Izuku said before punching Bakugou in the stomach causing Bakugou to fall back towards the earth with Izuku looking down at him with his emotionless eyes a siren could then be heard and the event ended with Izuku in second place and Todoroki first place, the next event was announced and everyone got ready to face off their opponents, Izuku sat down and sighed 'I nearly used up all of my power just then luckily it ended when it did or I would've gotten the drawbacks of my quirk' Izuku thought to himself before hearing his name getting called, he rose from the seat and marched to the arena "its time for the first round! Midoriya vs Shinso! Who will win?!" present mic yelled in excitement, Izuku looked over to his opponent "and start!" present mic yelled and Izuku began walking casually towards Shinso "so you're the blessed child with such an amazing quirk? I've heard a lot about you.... apparently, you used to be such a push over that the Bakugou kid would bully you isn't that right? What was your name again? Oh yes that's right deku" Shinso said whilst laughing, Izuku's face grew in rage he opened his mouth to reply but stopped himself, his eyes turned blood red as he studied Shinso's body "you annoy me" Izuku finally replied before Shinso activated his quirk, Izuku froze "thankyou for answering me now turn around and walk out of the area" Shinso said with a smirk on his face, Izuku turned around and began marching towards line before light burst through the ground and covered Izuku's legs, the light then began to crawl its way up his body before completely covering him, the only thing that was visible was Izuku's blood red eyes "do you really think I would walk out after being so careful?" Izuku said and Shinso's eyes grew wide in shock "how did you do that?!" he yelled towards Izuku "I simply activated my quirk and let it do the work. My quirk will assist me if I am in danger or if I'm being mind controlled basically its an overpowered quirk that wont let me die" Izuku replied as he appeared behind Shinso and grabbed his arm, Shinso turned and kicked Izuku in the stomach, Izuku caught his foot and flipped him over, he then lifted Shinso by his head and threw him out of the area "and the winner is Izuku Midoriya!" Present mic boomed down the microphone, the light suddenly vanished revealing Izuku looking more emotionless than normal "like I care...oh....looks like I lost another emotion for an hour.....if I keep using my quirk I'll end up being emotionless for the rest of the day....oh well" Izuku said whilst walking out of the arena, he looked up towards his next opponent "Mina Ashido" he said to himself.

I hope you guys enjoyed! And I know that Izuku doesn't fight Mina in the anime! I just wanted to make it interesting! Anyways the drawbacks for his quirk are as follows: if he goes over his limit by one second he will start losing emotions one by one for an hour if he goes over his limit for an entire day he can be emotionless from a week up until a month depending on how much power he had used. Also my third book should be coming out either this weekend or next! Anyways see you guys in the next chapter!

Wolf out. 

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