Chasing Clouds

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Callie's POV

I cannot believe that just happened!!! I just got Niall Horan's number! When I met his gaze and stared in to his eyes I realized how beautiful they were. They were big and icy blue. They glistened like the ocean and were soft and inviting. It was hard not to get lost in them. I felt something for him, but I couldn't quite tell what it was. It was probably just nerves. Sophia and I were just leaving the arena now. "So you and Liam seemed to get along well." I said as we were walking to her car.
" Yah he wants to go and get coffee or something soon, but I honestly don't know if it's a good idea. I mean he just broke up with Danielle. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me!"
" I think you should go for it. I mean what if you guys fall in love! That would be so amazing! Could you imagine him falling in love with his biggest fan?!" I was climbing into the passenger seat of her mint green convertible and my feet hurt from walking so much. I wasn't really listening to Sophia talk about Liam right now. All I could think about was how Niall came after me when we were leaving. Was he chasing after me? He sounded so adorable asking and I couldn't help but get that strange feeling again. Sophia turned the radio on and it was ironic how One Direction was playing.

And I've been waiting for this

time to come around

But baby running after you

is like chasing the clouds

This was my favorite song by them. I always loved that part of the song. While the song was finishing my phone started to vibrate. I glanced down at the screen.

From: Unknown

Hey Callie it's me. I don't know if it's to soon but I really want to go to coffee or something with you sometime. -Niall x

I felt like my heart was going to burst from excitement! Did he mean anything by the "x"? To make sure I won't lose his number I quickly added it to my contacts.

Niall's POV

"Do you think it was to soon?" I asked Louis quickly.
"It could of been, but I think if she felt this strange feeling that you have then she will answer."
"O gosh I do hope so!" and before I could let out another word my phone buzzed. I quickly jumped out of my seat on the van and ran to the table.

From: Callie
I would love to! How about tomorrow? x

To: Callie
Perfect! Should I pick you up at four?

From: Callie
Sounds perfect!

I felt nervous and excited at the same time. I had a plan now. I was going to chase after this girl until I figured out what this feeling I had with her was. And I wouldn't let anything get in the way of catching the beautiful brunette I had taking a liking to.


It was 11:30 when we got back to our hotel. Zayn fell asleep in the van and he wouldn't wake up. One of our bodyguards finally picked him up and carried him to his room. I took a picture to post on twitter. His hair was all over the place and his mouth was hanging wide open He probably won't be very happy with me if I put it on there but oh well. We went in through the back doors and I quickly rode the elevator up to my room.I was beyond exhausted after that concert. After finally getting my room unlocked I went into the bedroom and pulled off my jeans and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. I set my phone on my nightstand before climbing into bed. The rooms we stayed in were normal for us I guess but were huge to some people. Mine had two bedrooms with huge beds and fluffy carpeting, a large bathroom, kitchen and living room along with a gaming room and a dining room. Management had booked all of the presidential suites along with the whole top floor so we would be safe from paparazzi. I never would of imagined all of the special treatment you would need when you became famous. It was crazy how you couldn't go anywhere with out wearing a disguise or getting your picture taken. I sat in the bed replaying the first song we sang today over and over in my mind. The way our eyes locked with each other's made me feel like I was walking on clouds. I eventually drifted off into the world of sleep with one girl and one girl only in my thoughts.

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