Our Math book is a death note

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Ray's POV
I sighed heavily as I continued to look out the door of my classroom. Somehow the people passing by were more interesting than the lessons that were being discussed.

Why is it so boringggg.

Like every other student, I wasn't paying attention to my teacher. Because let's face it, no one likes math in general.

Why can't I be as smart as Light or L from death note...

I mean come on!! Why can't there be more people like them in this world.....

I mean I guess if there were no dumb people there'll be no smart people.. right??

"Miss. Lerry..."

Oh well, guess I can't complain, I mean I'm dumb so who am I to choose if I wanna be smart or not...

I sighed as I leaned on my arm to get more comfortable. The action caused my chair to creak a bit but I didn't pay it much attention.

"Miss. Lerry."

Why??? Am I that dumb? No! I think I'm pretty decent in my grades, I've never had a failing grade...

but I was never an honor student either.. so I guess I'm in the middle!


I jumped in my seat, and I quickly looked around and saw most of the attention was on me.


I nervously stood up. "Umm.. what was the question again, Sir??" A loud sigh escaped my teacher, and a few giggles were heard around the room.

"How would you know if a set was equivalent or equal?" He repeated while leaning on the teachers' table, staring straight at me with a cold look.


I was panicking in my head, but on the outside, I had a somewhat calm face. "When there is the same number of elements in both sets but the elements are not connected to each other.. that's an equivalent set.. but when the two sets element have the same relation... that's an equal set??" I stated as I looked at my shoes then back to my teacher.

My teacher gave me an approving nod. "Make sure to not get distracted during my class, or else there will be consequences," He warned as he got off the teacher's table, and started continuing the discussion.

Whew! I'm safe.. That could've been reaal bad...

Maybe I should pay more attention if I don't want this to happen again.

I sighed tiredly, and slouched a bit in my seat, trying my best to focus on the lesson.

What? (x+2) (x-2) is x-squared and -4??

I thought x was a letter, not something to be used in math!!

"Pssstt..." someone whisper yelled at me. I looked to my right then to my left and two seats away from me was my friend, Ann.

She waved her hand around, trying to get my attention.

I mouthed, 'what?'

She made weird gestures with her hands until I realized it was sign language.

'SAFE' she signed as she had an amused expression on her face.

I just rolled my eyes playfully, and signed back.

'Quiet, Listen to lesson.'

I smirk a bit when she made a bored face, and grouchily listened to the teacher while taking down notes.

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