1. Part 1 - Too Close For Comfort

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"Babe, are you almost ready?" I heard Luke shout from the opposite side of the door. "If we don't leave soon we're going to be late."

"Just a minute!" I shout back at him.

I finish applying the last touches to my makeup and smile at my reflection. I was wearing a navy blue crop top with a pink floral skater skirt I bought for my birthday. Paired with my cream pumps and white purse I was as ready as I'd ever be.

Smiling I walked to the door to see Luke leaning against the frame, his 6'2 body leaning over my now 5'7 one with the heels. Even with the heels on I still only came up to his shoulder. Luke towered an entire head above me. His eyes rake me over from head to toe and he smiled looking down at my eyes.

"You look beautiful, babe," Luke confessed placing a quick kiss on my lips. "C'mon lets go I want to see him cut the cake."

Holding out his hand I grasp it in mine and together we walked down stairs to the car and were on our way.

Today was his cousin Jimmy's high school graduation. The two of them had been really close up until Luke moved out to Chicago for his music. That's where we met, one day late in the summer at LaLa Palooza.

Jimmy was majoring in engineering and his parents were extremely proud. I was always a little uneasy around him, his presence made me nervous but I pushed the thought away and decided to support Luke and show up with him today. Besides, his parents were extremely nice people.

About half and hour later and we were pulling up to a quaint little house by a lake. The blue shutters reflected off the lake and the white house stood out compared to the green fields behind it. I could imagine myself and Luke living in a house similar to this. Yet, then again, I couldn't. The city was our life and I don't think either of us were willing to give that up. Sure our apartment wasn't great, but it was cheap and got the job done. Living above Millenium Park wasn't so bad either, it's hilarious watching the tourists make fun of themselves. Sometimes Luke and I would have a contest to point out who looked the most rediculous. 9/10 times I won.

I spoke a quiet thank you as Luke opened the car door bringing me back to the present, and I took his hand as we walked to the back yard porch. Red, black and white covered every square inch of the deck. Balloons hung from the railings and streamers were intricately wrapped between each post. Tables lined the lawn, side by side, seating some of the elderly grandparents here to support their grandson. Family and friends mingled around, some also sitting while others stood around the table of food.

"Y/N!!!!!!!" A voice squealed behind me. I turned around and suddenly a small body rammed into me and a pair of arms wrapped around my stomach. I looked and saw Luke with alarm in his eyes but his posture relaxed as he saw who it was. I looked down to see a Jimmy's little sister Nicole, staring up at me with big brown eyes. A dimpled smile covered her cheeks and I could see the gap where a lost tooth was.

"Hey cutie," I praised. Wrapping my arm around her I picked her up and placed her on my hip "What have you been up to?"

"I lost my tooth!" She shouted, finger pointing at the gap next to her two front teeth. I felt Luke touch my back lightly and he smiled nodding to where his Aunt Pat and Uncle David were standing by a large graduation cake. I nodded understanding he wanted to go say hi and he walked off.

Looking back down at Nicole, I smile and said, "Looks like it babe. Wanna go get some cake to fill in that hole?" I winked at her and she smiled back at me. I didn't feel comfortable being away from Luke. Not that I'm one of those clingy girlfriends, but for tonight I was.

"Yeah!" She shouted, excitement lighting in her eyes. Wriggling out of my grasp she landed on the deck and gripped my hand leading me toward her parents and my boyfriend who was laughing at something David had said. Pat was shaking her head disapprovingly at them as we walked up and she pulled me into a hug when she saw me.

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