2. Part 2 - Too Close For Comfort

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He smiled back and then walked out, closing the door behind him. After locking the door, I turned on some warm water and washed my face making sure not to mess up my make up too much. Then, I fluffed my hair and settled it in front of one shoulder due to the humidity making it twice it's normal size.

Walking out of the bathroom, I passed multiple bedrooms on my right and left. Pictures of Jimmy growing up and the rest of the family lined the walls. I stopped at one from last year when we all went to the beach. I was on Lukes back kissing his cheek, Pat and David waving, and Jimmy was glaring at Luke. I scrunched my brows together and shook my head. Why couldn't he just be happy for us?

I turned to walk toward the stairs when a hand shot out from the bedroom door and pulled me inside. Gasping, I stumbled on my heels into the room and was pushed against the wall. The door slammed, rattling the frames in the hallway, casting the room in complete darkness. Then a rough, strong, forearm came up and pressed against my neck holding me in place.

"Get.. off.. of me!" I struggled to yell against the arm. I let out a small scream right before a hand clamped over my mouth. I screamed against the hand, kicking and punching my attackers chest but he was built like a tank. A deep familiar chuckle emitted by my ear and my struggles stopped altogether.

"C'mon now (y/n), don't be like that," the dark voice scolded me. I furiously panted out of my nose due to lack of oxygen entering my body. The hand covering my mouth was pressing uncomfortably hard against my face forcing my head against the wall. I knew that voice. And right now all my worst fears were coming true.

The hand on my mouth removed itself and took a rough hold on my hair instead, slamming my head into the wall. I gasped, momentarily dizzy, and furiously clawed at the hand in my hair willing it to loosen it's hold.

"Let me go Jimmy," I rasped, furiously searching to see him in the dark of the room. The only light was the small strip under the door, my only escape. The grip in my hair tightened, keeping my head against the wall, while my flailing hands were seazed and held captive like me. The only thought running through my head was Luke. Where is Luke. Come find me, Luke. Luke, I need you. I need you!

"I'm never going to let you go now that I've got you right where I want you," Jimmy threatened in my ear. He ran his lips down my cheek and I turned my face as far from his as possible, but the grip on my hair was too tight for me to go far. Jimmy planted a sloppy kiss on my lips and I tried to wriggle as far from him as I could. His kiss was rough and unsettling and just plain wrong. There was nothing sweet or kind in his lips, his actions were for his pure benefit only.

He pushed my shoulders back against the wall holding me in place, making it harder for me to move. His lips continued to assault mine and I couldn't help but think I had lost. I tried. Tried so hard to escape him but he was just too strong. He pulled me away from the wall and I tripped over my heel, losing my balance and falling on to the floor. Ignoring the pain in my knees I made my way in a desperate crawl towards the door but, hands wrapped around my ankles and pulled me back. I screamed all the way, dragging my nails into the floor as I could feel my finers start to bleed from the rough wood. Jimmy picked me up and threw me on to a bed. I could only assume we were in his room because he knew exactly where it was, where I didn't know where anything was and still couldn't see a damn thing.

"HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!!" I shouted, but my voice broke off into scared sobs as my body was covered by his. I fought against him, punching and bucking my hips, trying to get his body off of mine but he wouldn't budge. "Please..." I begged. Begged for him to get off of me. Begged for someone to save me. Begged for all of this to be over.

"Stop fighting me!" Jimmy shouted. Next thing I knew a strong hand hit my cheek and my head was tossed to the side. I gasped in pain and more tears fell from my eyes. He had slapped me. No one had ever hit me in my life, well, except in fifth grade when Stacy "stole" my boyfriend and we duked it out on the playground. Luke would never lay a hand on me unless it were with love, and so I never knew just how much getting slapped actually hurt. The echo was heard throughout the room followed only by the sound of my heavy breathing and the music and laughter coming from outside.

Jimmy growled above me, distracting me from the pain in my cheek, and tore at my shirt until it was ripped in half and I was exposed in my bra. My hands were trapped under my body and there was nothing I could do as he gripped my breast, squeezing them so harshly I cried out in pain. "Lu-ke," I cried as my voice broke over his name. Please save me.

The next few moments happened so quickly, but I remember most of all crying. I remember the door bursting open, letting in a flow of sunlight where a tall figure was emitting from. I knew it was Luke from the way I could spot him a mile away. He rushed foreward screaming at Jimmy while I cried underneath him. The weight was lifted off my midsection and thrown on the floor. I curled away into the corner of the bed and huddled my knees to my chest. Luke was now straddling Jimmy, landing punch after punch on his face. I could see red on his cheeks, nose and Luke's knuckles. Luke landed a well rounded punch that knocked Jimmy out but he didn't stop there. He kept hitting him, Jimmy face was covered in blood and abrasions but Luke didnt care.

"Luke," I cried. He needed to stop. I wanted to beat the shit out of him as well but at this rate he was going to kill him. I crawled off the bed and grabbed Luke's arms trying to pull him off of the unconscious body on the floor. "Luke, please, stop its over," I reasoned with him, and this close I could see the tears falling from Luke's eyes. "It's over." I whisper.

* * *
The last thing everyone saw was Jimmy handcuffed in the backseat of a squad car being sped away to the police station. I had to give my statement to the police, after borrowing a blouse from Pat first. I was tired, tear stained, bruised, and broken. Though Jimmy had not succeeded in fully taking advantage of me the emotional scars would always remain.

"Hey," I heard a soft voice behind me say. The police officer thanked me and I nodded before turning around. Luke enfolded me in his arms, holding me crushingly close and I took in a shaky breath trying to hold back more tears. Luke radiated warmth and safety and most importantly love. There was no where I wanted to be other than in his arms. He kissed my forehead and I looked up into those blue eyes I know so well and I felt a small part of me already becoming whole again. And then he said to me "Let's go home."


A/N: Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment feedback on what you thought of Too Close For Comfort! :)

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