New Monstercat OCs

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So on Amino, ThreeMadKatz is hosting a challenge to make our own Monstercat OCs, and it inspired me to actually make a legitimate Monstercat OC and put down some ideas I've had for a while. I just wanted to do these for fun.

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Be ready! There's a lot of writing down here to go along with the characters.




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Basic Info

Gender: Male
Height: 3' 11"
Status: Alive
Appearance: nearly jet black fur with a slight blue hue, blue-tinted mouth, two ear piercings on his left ear, bright blue fur dye (optional), plain green bandana (optional)


Cason is a very energetic cat that loves to be around others. He pretends to be brave and adventurous, but he really isn't. His dyed fur attests to this. He dyes it often to look cool and stand out (especially since it can glow in the dark), but the image he paints of him isn't an accurate reflection of himself. This is effective at concerts however, as he really stands out then. Others draw close to him, though not because of his appearance but because of his caring and bright personality.

The blob and splatters on his left ear is the result of an unsteady hand when applying the dye. He has no issues with dying his right ear, but his left ear is always problematic. The appearance of the blob changes slightly each time he applies the dye.




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Basic Info

Gender: Male
Height: 12' 7"
Status: Deceased
Appearance: scrawny; soot-colored fur; ripped and torn ears, fur, and tail; unusually long claws; yellow eyes, black nose, mouth that's often in a frown (can be optional)


(Edgelord warning)

Not much is known about the creation or early past of the mysterious Bain. None of his officials were ever told of his origins. Bain is eerily cool-toned and extremely intimidating, especially due to his size (a rarity that only he seems to have received). When angry, he is a force to be reckoned with despite  his bony appearance. A normal cat could easily be picked up and thrown with ease using a single paw. He has electric powers, the same kind of power which he gifted to Alpha.

Bain was known as the supreme leader over much of a portion of the galaxy. Alpha (who most people refer to as Evil Cat) was his second-in-command, and together they ruled over thousands of cats. Bain's rule, however, was harsh, and Alpha frequently took issue with this. The conflict between their opinions on rule led Bain to nearly frightening Alpha into submission, and for months after, a plan was developed to remove Bain from power. With the creation of an army of cats, the strategy succeeded (though with difficulty) and Bain was ultimately defeated. With the downfall and loss of Bain, however, rose a new powerful leader, the second-in-command that would take Bain's place. Lust and greed for power drove the new cat leader to achieve more at all costs, even if the source of power he longed for was guarded by a dense Family that wouldn't back down very easily.


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Oof that took a long time to write out but I did it! I hope y'all like them!

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If you'd like the still versions of the ref sheets (without the animations), you can get them


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(I copied and modified this all from Amino so there's actual fORMATTING)

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(I copied and modified this all from Amino so there's actual fORMATTING)

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