'For the buzz, I caused another accident'

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When I woke up, the world was spinning. Spinning so much that I hit the ground nauseous before getting up and rushing to the bathroom. I flushed the putrid liquid aka the contents of my stomach before washing down a hangover pill with sink water and sinking to the floor against the shower door.  I got up when someone began banging on the door. "Open up!" Groaning, I got up the ground and walked into the living space, throwing open the metal door. "Yes?" A man with longish hair and sharp brown eyes stood outside my door holding a white packet looking cross. "Some guys in suits showed up from an airline with these for you. Remember to pay your lease for this month or you're out." Nodding, I didn't hear another word before shutting the door in his face and turning around into the kitchen. I swallowed an aspirin dry and ripped open the envelope, it's contents spilling across the marble counter top. Upon reading the title on the first page, it all came back to me. I could tell it was a hangover, nothing new but I hadn't tried to re visualize what came before that.  I had took a sky diving trip to clear my head, but got too buzzed on booze on the plane and free fell backwards into the sky. I spun and twirled, and then let my scarf flutter from the neck of my diving suit like a flag. 

Gathering the papers, I stacked then haphazardly on top the envelope. Receiver in hand, I dialed the number for my airline and asked to talk to the diving instructor. "Hector Vasquez"

"Ah yes, this is Seithen Monroe from yesterday's dive, I was hoping you could explain to me the full extent of yesterday's situation?" The line was silent for a bit and the man spoke again. 

"Sir, at yesterday's dive you requested the attendant bring out liquor to calm your nerves. Said attendant recalled you grabbing a handful of said liquor and finishing then all before falling asleep. I was the one to wake you before you opened the plane's air sealed door and took a reverse dive from the plane"

"Is that so?"

"Yes sir"

"Alright, thank you for your time"

"No problem sir"

I hung up first and sat back down. 

Ughhhh,  life is such a pain in the ass. I was done with my own reckless behavior, but you know what I decided to do? I got up and picked the phone back up and dialed my favorite bar, reserving my regular table at the back confines of the dark club corners. After planning my own doom, I took a shower to clear the grogginess of my head and put on a fresh casual suit. My first since those childhood days at church. The pleasantly blue suit with tiny white stripes, was paired with a shining pair of black wingtips, styled hair, and a face without the white bandana. I went without a tie, top two buttons left undone so the tattoo crawling up my chest was exposed above the neckline. Eyes sharp, and smitten with my appearance, I walked out the apartment door with the intent to get drunk off my rocker.  I decided to get snazzy and called up a private limo service to pick me up at the door of the building. Climbing in, I got lots of ugly looks but as of the moment I didn't care if the bastards hated me for my money. 'Not my money persé' I thought. 

The club was pumped up with heavy beat music, people pulling up in nice cars;  party clothes on everybody here. Pushing through the 'regulars door' , I took in the crowd and looked to see if I knew anyone here. Without such luck, I retreated to my table in the back corner and called over one of the bar hands. "Scotch on the rocks-voldka mix" the bar hand nodded and went to fill my order, putting the lined yellow notepad in the front pocket of his half apron. Sighing, I watched the room from the corner of my eye and slouched into my seat. The suit jacket I wore was draped over the chair's back, my shoes slipped off my heels. The rest of the room cheeredloudly when another band came on. Glancing to the stage, I noticed the unfamiliar faces setting up stage. 'These guys are new' Drink arriving, I swirled the lightened amber liquid in the crystal glass and watched over the rim while drinking the burning concoction. I signaled for the bar hand to keep em coming and he complied, bringing a tin pitcher full of the pre mixed drink, ice bucket filled to the brim. 

I watched the stage as I drank and nearly spouted burning liquor out from my nose when their lead singer came out. Callum wore dark faded jeans and a black electric guitar hung on a checkered strap. He smiled at the audience as I wiped my mouth with the Back of my hand. "What's up Manhattan!" He shouted. My eyes fluttered to the stage. Watching Callum and his band ramp up the audience. I chuckled softly to myself when they started playing, I felt my heart stop, and I turned to look at a ragged angel. Callum's mouth near the mic and strumming quick and rhythmically to the beat the drummer set. The he began to sing loudly into the mic, rough words coming out on an angelic voice different from my own. I stared in awe and continued to sip my pitcher of drink at a steady pace, my eyes closed and body open to the rhythm in my bones. Pretty soon my eyes drooped half closed and my body continued to move on its own, my legs making their way off the seat and over into the waves on the dance floor. I spun around with the glass in my hand, light headed and feeling light as feather. The spinning disco ball was dizzying as the specks of lights flashing over the walls mesmerized me, the golden shapes spinning my mind into oblivion. I danced to my own little party until someone grabbed my arm and dragged me protesting and whining off the dance floor. I met the eyes of my captor and then dully noticed the strewn bottles and the empty dance floor, my eyes meeting concerned ones when I looked to a face that was not my own. I hiccuped. "Heh, hehh. Hiiiiiiii~ CALLUM!" I shouted near his ear, he flinched and pulled back but kept my wrist in a firm grip. He stared into my glossy half opened eyes, lips pursed into a small frown.

 "Seithen ? What are you doing here??"

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