Chapter One

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Jumin POV

It may have only taken 3 years, but after much speculation over whether the couple will actually get married, Jumin Han and Nari Song have confirmed they will be getting married at some point this year.

The power couple of the century announced their engagement back in 2014 by official company statement, and stories that the most wanted bachelor in South Korea was being taken off the market was news not only to the world at large, but Nari Song herself, who had never met the billionaire before, and was not even in the country when the announcement was made. Nari Song, a billionaire in her own right, owns just under a third of the entire Song Industries empire, which along with C & R is dominating the domestic and international markets.

Interactions between the couple have always appeared strained, looking more at place in a boardroom rather than over dinner which is how they are usually spotted. This, along with the formal way in which the engagement was announced has caused speculation to arise over the validity of the wedding. Is this relationship nothing more than a business decision, by the two biggest rival companies in the country?

After all, Li Song isn't stranger with controversy. Her first marriage and divorce saw her owning half of what was formerly TRT, and in buying her ex-husband out of the other half, she successfully merged the company into Song Industries. A move which she repeated again with her second and third marriages. This third marriage is the one which produced her two children, Duri, 34, and Nari, 25, and since her children have been involved in the business, it would appear Li has refrained from any more marriages, or relationships. Is Nari following in her mother's footsteps, or has a secret love affair been happening behind closed doors for all this time?

Although no official date has been given for the Han-Song wedding, the countdown has begun, and it will be in the next six months.

This, of course, begs the question of what will happen to the two biggest business in the country when two of their directors marry. Will C & R and Song Industries also combine, or will they keep the business separate and in direct competition with each other?

Jumin turned over the magazine which sat on his desk, Assistant Kang had thought he might be interested. It appeared to be the topic of the day on the messenger as well. It had already come up in three conversations, and so Jumin had stopped participating in the chats on his phone. The only one who hadn't hounded him was V, and that was because V already knew everything. The comments they made about Nari, showed their true intentions. Jealousy was all he could attribute it to. They were that shallow after all, and Nari was everything she was cracked up to be. Smart, beautiful, dangerous.

How come we've never met her? Are we invited to the wedding?

Jumin rolled his eyes at Yoosung's question. The media weren't the only ones who questioned the validity of his relationship with Nari. Not that any opinion mattered.

Her name popped up at the top of his email inbox and before he could open it, her name also appeared on his phone. Illuminating with each ring. She usually went through Assistant Kang.

"Miss Song, how can I be of assistance?"

She paused for a moment. "You haven't called me that in a while."

There was also a softness in her voice that he hadn't heard recently. He supposed, in reflection, it had just been a long time since they'd spoken privately.

"I've just forwarded you an email. The information inside is confidential, so I'd appreciate it remaining that way." Her heels clicked on whatever floor she walked around, papers shuffling. Her office he assumed. "I don't know the legitimacy of it, and I don't care. I just thought you should be aware in case he makes contact with you. We are all over the internet at the moment after all."

Jumin clicked on the email. Several scanned documents were attached, all photos of a handwritten letter, several pages worth of a letter. Was he required to read it or was it just one of those things that could sit there until it required his attention. He was busy.

"It's from someone claiming to be my father."

"Is he?"

"No." She didn't offer more, but Jumin felt like there was more she wanted to say.

He turned the magazine back over, a picture of himself and Nari from a shoot a few months back for an international magazine. He couldn't deny she suited being by his side. "We should dinner. It's been a while."

She made a noise in agreement.

"I'll get my assistant to arrange it with you."


He could tell by her voice she was smiling, probably at his mention of Jahee. For some reason, she always found it amusing.

Jahee managed to make time for dinner that same night, slipping it in at the end of his day. It was late, but his assistant said Nari didn't mind, she would be working late too. Jumin would've explained that when he'd said dinner, he hadn't meant that same day, but it would have to be done sooner or later, and while he had the time, it made sense. For all their business conflicts, Nari was good company, and she enjoyed the same wines.

By the time Nari arrived he had already ordered their dinner and was on his second glass of wine. It was a mutual meeting place, a restaurant they both enjoyed, and Nari always ordered the same. The wait staff knew them well, meaning dinner was often smooth.

"Sorry, I'm late." Nari kissed the side of his cheek as he stood to greet her. "My brother."

Duri Song. Jumin didn't know the intricacies of their relationship, but he knew that Duri was never in the same boardroom as his mother or his sister. He had a quick wit, and a logical mind, and he focussed on domestic business, while Nari used her expertise on the international market. Together they could be unstoppable. Their family feud worked to C & R's advantage.

She sat her purse down on the table, dropping her jacket over her chair, smoothing out her shirt and high waisted skirt, looking at her closer he supposed it was probably a dress. She excused herself for a moment. His eyes followed her form as she walked towards the bathroom.

An older gentleman from the bar stood up as Nari got closer, and Jumin glanced at his chief of security, nodding in Nari's direction. He wouldn't have paid interest in the man if he hadn't also stood up when Nari entered, sitting himself back down to watch her.

The stranger called her name, getting closer to her, causing her to glance over her shoulder. His voice lowered as he spoke to her, and the colour drained from her face as she stumbled away from him. The man reached out his arm for her, and Nari stood, frozen as he grabbed her. 

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