Chapter Four

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Nari POV

"Come on."

Nari sighed as she watched Jumin leave, turning her attention back to her brother before following him through the reception and up the stairs. He didn't take the elevator Nari noticed. They didn't get on well being stuck in enclosed spaces together. They walked several stories in silence, a usual reprieve, but with all that had happened, Nari found it let her mind wander, and her thoughts were all to dark.


"Han seems nice."


"The way you and Mum always talked about it, I always thought you were just doing as you were told, you know, business as usual, but it seems like he actually cares about you, and you care for him too."

Should she be insulted? Nari wasn't sure where he was going with his train of thought.

"I'm glad you found someone."

Nari didn't know what to say. Had she found someone? At first it had been a decision by her mother, business, and she assured Nari's complaints with the reminder that it would only be temporary, but recently Jumin was familiar, comfortable and Nari found she missed him when they didn't have their weekly dinner. Not that she would admit that to Duri.

"Anyway, if I'm all wrong, and you wanted out, now is your chance."

She stopped walking, hand on the banister. Did she? Or more importantly did Jumin?

"Like I said though, he seems nice. " Duri held open the door for her, and Nari skipped up the final few steps, her heels clicking on the floor. "I haven't addressed the board yet. I've got a statement prepared, for the press and the board, you're welcome to read over them."

He led her into the boardroom, papers were strewn across the entire desk, folders, private papers and several coffee cups. Duri had been hard at work, and all she had been doing was worrying. He sorted through the papers, moving them around, and picking out a sheet here and there, handing them too her. Statements.

"How did she die?"

"Didn't you watch the news?"

She hadn't heard anything after seeing her mother's name. It had all just been noise. Nari shook her head, and Duri turned away from her.

"Heart attack. Died on the way to the hospital."

"You say that so casually."

"How do you want me to say it, Nari? I didn't like the woman. I don't feel grief, or sorrow. It's like as if a stranger died. And I know that's wrong. Trust me, the only reason I'm not raising a glass is because I know how much she meant to you."

"That wouldn't normally stop you."

He groaned, and took a sip of his coffee, muttering, "Just let it go."

He wasn't talking to her, he was talking to himself.

Nari sighed and took a seat opposite him, reading over the papers he had given her. The statements were well written, considering how little he thought of their mother. That together they would carry on the business together in line with her wishes and ethos.

"Any of these coffees for me?"

He paused for a moment, staring at her, before giving a small smile, pressing a button on the telephone.

"Are you going to read these?"

"I thought it would be best coming from you." He made some notes on a pad. "But if you don't want to, I can."

"We should do it together."


"What are you doing?"

"I've taken the liberty of rescheduling her appointments in with me over the next few days. I'm just making notes, getting myself up to speed."

Nari nodded. "Do you need any help?"

He glanced up at her, pen frozen just above the paper, and then nodded to the chair next to him. "Come on, I won't bite."

She did, as his assistant bumbled in with more papers and another cup of coffee.

"Miss Song, my deepest condolences. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Is that my coffee?" Nari took the cup from him, and the papers, placing them into piles in her brother's disorganised mess. "Could you schedule a board meeting for a few hours time?"

"A board meeting? Today? Are you sure?" Duri asked the question his assistant was too scared to.

"We'll have to address them at some point. The press too. I'd rather get it over with."

Duri's assistant left, and returned a little while later, going around the table and assisting Nari in organising Duri's papers, while he would call out words in foreign languages, and she would translate for him. After the thirty-second word they both agreed that it would be simpler for Nari to take on her mother's clients who spoke languages that he didn't. Duri's reluctance hadn't surprised her, but when he argued that she should allow herself more time to grieve, Nari fell quiet. She wouldn't admit that she wasn't ready to face the reality that this was something permanent. It was silly, but her mind expected her mother to return from some sort of holiday in a few weeks' time.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Duri handed her a fresh coffee, leaning on the edge of the table. They were waiting on his assistant to start brining the board members through.

"Only one way to find out."

"Nari, if you need me to..." Duri didn't finish. The moment was awkward enough. Nari looked down into her coffee, why hadn't they got on previously, if they could work so well together?

"I read there was an incident when you were at dinner with Han last night."

"My--" Nari stopped as the door opened, and Duri's assistant filtered the board members in. She closed her mouth, keeping it shut tight.

As expected the board asked question after question, but they seemed accepting of what they were being told, not that they had any say really, not while she and Duri were united. Duri answered their questions, explaining that they would meet again once their mother's will had been read. She did have the largest share of the business, a majority hold of a third, and depending on what she had wished to do with that, the entire business could change.

And then they approached the press. Duri didn't let them ask questions. Nari read his statement and he ended the conference, thanking them for their time and asking for their consideration while they dealt with this private matter, before escorting Nari inside. 

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