Chapter Seven

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Nari POV

Duri acknowledged them both, giving Jumin's hand a firm shake as he apologised for calling her, them, in. Jumin brushed off his apology, taking her arm in his and following Duri around the building. The two men talked business as Duri gave Jumin a brief tour. The deep hum of Jumin's voice washed over her and she stepped a little closer to his side.


She glanced up.

Duri had stopped in front of their mother's office. He didn't hold her gaze, clearing his throat and turning back to the deep wooden door. Mahogany. Their mother always liked to display her wealth. It had never bother Nari, but Duri had always hated it. "Her solicitor has set up in here, but if you'd rather, we can use the boardroom."

"It's fine."

Jumin linked his fingers through hers.

Duri's fingers rapped on the door. He didn't wait for a response before swinging it open, and unlike when Nari usually entered and her mother didn't even look away from what she was doing, the stranger who sat in her chair, behind her desk, stood. Well dressed, nice suit, and a fake smile. He was paid well.

"Miss Song." He shook her hand, and then Jumin's, inviting them to sit down. "Mr Han."

Nari took the chair in front of the desk, and for a moment, Duri hesitated as Jumin stood behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. In the car on the way over, he had offered to wait outside, but being closed in a room with Duri and a solicitor was the last way she wanted to spend her day.

"To the best of my knowledge this is the last will and testament of Li Nari Song. Do either of you two know of any amended versions before I start?"

"No," Duri stated, as he took the seat next to her, foot tapping on the floor.

"Miss Song?"

"No, she never mentioned anything to me."

"With regard to her personal estate, she would like you to decide amongst yourselves. It is to be shared equally amongst you. If you cannot reach agreement, I am to arrange sale of the full estate and split the proceeds evenly between you. There are a few minor exceptions, some documents, which are left specifically for each of you."

"Nari can have everything."


"I don't need any more reminders of her, not her money, not her papers."

"Miss Song, are you in agreement?"

No, but it would be an argument she would have with Duri on another day. "Sure."

"Excellent. Mr Song, I will still provide you with those papers, it is expressly written that they are for your eyes only."


"On to business matters then. Your mother held a majority thirty-four percent, the two of you hold thirty two percent and the board can influence with their two percent hold. There are some conditions that determine how I release her percent."

"What conditions?" Nari asked. She wasn't even sure Duri was paying attention.

"It is your mother's wish that her share be passed to you, Nari, in its entirety, making you an unquestionable majority."

That wasn't right. Duri worked just as hard as she did for the company. They may not have gotten on, but she respected him, and everything he did for the company. In fact, Duri's love for the company and the job he did was the only reason he worked remained working there. The argument was a regular one, and Duri had left several times, but he always returned despite his personal feelings.

"Let me guess," Duri started, still not looking at anyone. "On the condition that she marries Han."

"Yes, within a limited time frame." The solicitor, Nari couldn't remember his name, turned the page. "Otherwise. her share is to be divided equally."


"You Miss Song, will take seventeen percent, increasing you to a forty-nine majority."


"Yes, the other seventeen percent will go to the board."

"So Duri will never get it?" Nari frowned.

"Did you expect me too?" Duri turned to her with a bemused smile. "You know, I used to think sometimes that she actually cared about you, but I guess it really was business until the bitter end."

"Would you like me to discuss the terms which she has set for the board?"

"No, it's fine." Nari brushed him off, turning her attention to her brother.

"And her funeral arrangements?"

"It's fine. Are we done?" She stood, and gave the solicitor the same fake smile, holding out her hand.

He paused, looking between the siblings, before standing, put his papers back away and shaking her hand. "Of course. I'll be in touch in a few days to--"

"I have a PA, if you ask at the reception they'll give you his contact details. Unless you require me for a signature, we have no more business."

Duri also stood, shaking the man's hand. "You'll have to excuse my sister, she gets her attitude from Mum."

Nari bit her tongue, she would deal with Duri privately. What puzzled her most though, was how unsurprised he seemed to be. Had he known, or was he just expecting it? She'd spent years trying to convince him he had their mother all wrong, but maybe it was her that didn't know her mother. That was how she felt at that very moment.

Duri walked the solicitor out and Jumin moved behind her, sitting in Duri's empty seat. "Something is troubling you. Your shoulders are tense."

"Erm, yeah." Nari stepped away, turning to face him. "Did you space out during that entire conversation?"

Jumin frowned for a moment, before pulling on his shirt sleeve, his expression returning to a cold neutral. "From how I understand it, you are set to inherit your mother's personal estate as well as her business legacy."

"Really? That's how you understand it?"


"She's dead, and she's trying to use me, use you, us, to further her business goals. Duri was right. It's all she ever cared about. How she could freeze him out like this, it's appalling." Nari dropped into the seat Duri had been sitting in earlier, dropping her head into her hands. Anger, and she was taking it out on Jumin, because she couldn't take it out on her mother. "He's given so much to this company, withstood so much from her. This isn't right."

"Then take the full share and divide it how you see fit between the two of you."

"The full share—Jumin, I..." She would only get the full share if they married, and soon.

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