Chapter Three

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Nari POV

Jumin shuffled on the sofa behind her, his feet touching the floor. Nari finished writing her sentence in one of the empty notebooks which she had found in his apartment. With an apology to the man on the other end of the phone call, she cut the conversation short, pressing the button on her headset and leaning over the back of her chair to face Jumin.

He folded the blanket she'd placed over him, setting it to the side, dropping his chin into his hand and meeting her gaze.

"I told Jahee you would be in late today." Nari closed the notebook, tidying up the scraps of paper which littered his table, and picking up his cat. "She rearranged your morning, so you don't have to worry."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because, I'm to be your wife, Jumin, not your boss." She got up, carrying Elizabeth. "Besides, you looked like you could use the rest."

"You're still here."

She smiled. "Did you want me to go?"

"No." He stood up, and pulled her closer so Elizabeth was pressed against their chests, at the same moment his phone rang, as did hers. His hold didn't loosen on Nari.

She gave him a smile, and leaned up, giving him a brief kiss before turning back towards the table, pressing the button on her ear piece. "Nari Song."

"It's me."

She sighed, nuzzling against Jumin's cat. "What do you want, Duri?"

Her brother rolled his eyes, she was sure of it. "Turn on your TV and check the news."

"I'm not in the mood for one of your games."

"It's not a game, Nari. Just turn on your TV."

"What?" Jumin questioned behind her, and Nari looked over her shoulder at him. His gaze was fixed on her. "Yes. She's still with me."

He ran his hand through his hair and moved over to his TV. "You're sure?"

Nari set Elizabeth down and picked up the remote, unmuting the television which was on the news channel. She'd only muted it because their topic of choice had been her and Jumin at dinner the night before. There was only so many times she could listen to someone talking about their kiss. It wasn't exactly top priority.

"What am I looking for?" She asked her brother.

"You'll know when you see it."

Taking the remote from Jumin, she flicked through the various channels. Breaking News: Li Song confirmed dead. Her mother was confirmed dead. How was that possible? They'd had lunch yesterday. She spoken to her that morning.

"This can't be real." Nari didn't know when Jumin had moved next to her, but all of a sudden, she was aware that he was stood near her, holding her. So that was why she hadn't fallen to the floor in disbelief. The television remote was in pieces on the floor, batteries spinning away from her.

"I know that you and Mum were way closer than I was with her, so, just, do whatever you need to do. I'll take care of business until you're ready to come in."

"Why are you acting like this is real?"

"For what it's worth, I am really sorry." He ended the call.

"Nari." Jumin held her arms, giving her a gentle squeeze, and she let him.

She let him sit her back down on his dining table chair as he perched in front of her. The battery still span out of control. Like her life in that very moment. "I should head into the office."


"The place is going to be falling apart. Duri can't handle it all. There's going to be press, and someone is going to have to address the board. And the business still has to run. And--"

"And what about you falling apart?"

Nari looked down at him. Her mind was running so fast that she couldn't keep up with her thoughts, she couldn't even comprehend them, so she just blocked them out. "I need the distraction."

"If you're sure."

Nari nodded, and took Jumin's hand, linking her fingers through his. She didn't realise how much she appreciated having him round until that moment. Had she always felt that way or was it just a side effect of the shock from her mother's--She kissed his hand. "I'm sure."

"I'll get ready and Driver Kim will take us." And he did.

Nari sighed as she looked out the car window. Paparazzi swarmed outside Song Industries. Jumin's security who had been in the car behind were already around his car, standing by the door. How could her mother really be dead? She'd always held her mother in the highest regard, to know that she could die, that she had, Nari couldn't even process the thought.

Jumin's car door opened and Nari glanced over her shoulder. He'd left her alone. It was only for a moment, but she had never felt so isolated.

He opened her door for her and held out his hand. Nari took it, letting him pull her out of the car. She stayed by Jumin's side as he walked her in the building, ignoring the paparazzi as his security kept them at bay.

"I told you I have this, Nari." Duri had come down from wherever he was working to meet her. She didn't know if she appreciated it or not.

"I know. I'm here for me."

He nodded, stepping towards them, holding his hand out for Jumin. "We've never officially met."

Jumin nodded and introduced himself, shaking Duri's hand. "My security will assist yours, make sure that the paparazzi stay outside. If C & R can be of any other help, just let me know."

And then he turned to Nari. "If I can be of any help, don't hesitate to call me directly."

She nodded, and he brought her against him. Had he always felt so warm? Nari couldn't remember a time in their relationship where she'd felt so close to him, where she had wanted to. He kissed the top of her head, tightening the arm which wrapped around her.

"I can stay with you, if you'd rather."

"You've lost enough of your day." She held onto the back of his jacket giving him a squeeze. Nari wouldn't get anything done if he was there to support her. Then why hadn't she let him go? She sighed into his chest. Before she could pull away, Jumin cupped her cheek, dipping his head and pressing his lips against hers, and then kissing her cheek.

"I'll be in the office all day. Call me at any time."

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