2. The Ronin

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Before we begin, I think I should say right now that I'm giving Gabriel a very small amount of legitimacy to his reputation.  I still think he's a legitimate fighter... just not "the greatest warrior in the world" and definitely NOT a dragon slayer. 


Following Gabriel, Jesse and Petra cautiously headed toward the woods by a mountain range a few miles from the New Order's new home town.

The supposed meeting spot, according to Ivor, was marked on their map as a wooded area outside the valley where the Order's town was being constructed, almost near the old Order's temple.

Once they had met up with Gabriel, the former Order member had confirmed that this masked blue-armored stranger Ivor described was indeed his accomplice.

"This fighter never revealed his face when I saw him, and he called himself a 'wandering warrior' when I met him," Gabriel informed them as he trekked with them part of the way.  "Not long before my last EnderCon keynote, he helped me protect my fortress from bandits.  It's a true story," he added upon seeing Jesse's and Petra's skeptical faces.  

"Okay..." muttered Jesse.  He knew Gabriel had lied to him... and pretty much the whole world... about things before, so he wasn't sure about now. 

"I assure you," Gabriel said, "if he reflects back on when we helped each other not too long before the Wither Storm days, it's him."

"Let's hope so," said Petra.


Following a map Ivor had given them of the warrior's location, Jesse and Petra reached a forested area below a familiar canyon, not too far from their new town.  Gabriel had to part ways with them earlier and return back to town to help.

Jesse glanced down at the map he was holding.  "According to this, we're at the spot he wanted to meet us at."

They were in a clearing in the middle of the forest within the canyon.  Before them was a large raised wooden platform ringed by wood fences, forming some sort of arena ring.  High above the forest was a towering range of mountains that Jesse and Petra knew all too well.

"Wait... isn't the old Order's temple up there?" exclaimed Petra, pointing up in the mountains. They could see a glint of gold and colors from the amulet-shaped symbol high up in the mountains that marked the location of the abandoned fortress.

"Yeah, there's the temple, but where is he?" Jesse wondered aloud.  "Ivor and Gabriel said that he'd be here."

"I don't know.  This sounds sketchy, and I know sketchy," said Petra, adjusting her crowned helmet nervously.  "I don't know if we can trust this guy."

After a pause Jesse replied, "I'm as worried as you are.  But if he claims it will help us... I guess we leave our options open."

"We just destroyed the Wither Storm," said Petra.  "All those people must be devastated from losing their homes.  Someone might be taking advantage of the aftermath to pick us off one by one."

Jesse looked up at his friend.  "This guy did say to meet in a forest clearing in the afternoon, and it's pretty bright.  And we're still not too far from civilization."

"How can we trust Ivor?  Even now?" continued Petra.  "How do we know he's not sending us into a trap?"

Jesse put a hand on Petra's shoulder.  "Don't worry.  I know it's sketchy, but we've dealt with sketchy before," he assured her.  "Just stay close, okay?  I'm worried for the both of us."

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