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Scene: Couffaine Houseboat

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Scene: Couffaine Houseboat. On Deck.

Giselle is laughing with her friends Maya, Aurore, Mireille, Zoé, and Marinette as she watches her fight with Lila on TikTok.

It had been a week since the fight, and of course, it was posted everywhere.

"Look, my favorite part, watch," Giselle watches the film in anticipation quietly, then laughs out when she knees Lila repeatedly in the stomach, causing her to vomit like the pathetic b1tch she was.

"Ooo, right in the stomach!" Zoé cringes.

"Can you believe this video already has fifty thousand views? It's only been two weeks since the fight," Marinette says.

"How's your cousin, by the way, Gigi?" Maya asks her close friend.

"Well, since Lila got a beatdown from me, she ain't messin' with me or Keisha anymore," Giselle reveals.

"I guess it's safe to say she learned her lesson the hard way," Mireille says before she and her friends giggled.

Meanwhile, Rose and Ivan are glaring at the girls while they are sitting down on the couch of the deck.

"How shameless can they be? Laughing about Giselle beating on poor Lila. They're the worst." Rose frowns.

"Why did you invite them anyway, Juleka?" Ivan quizzed, upset at the Couffaine girl.

"Well, I just don't think it's that serious, it was just a fight..." Juleka says quietly.

"Just a fight? Juleka, Giselle hurt Lila!" Rose protested.

Juleka frowns and Luka watches on with confusion.

Meanwhile, Kalianna can be seen riding up to the boat on her Vespa scooter. She parks it, takes off her helmet, and approaches the ship.

"Oh great, here comes the other troublemaker, did you invite her too?" Ivan asks Juleka, but she stays quiet.

"Hey, guys!" Kalianna waves at her real friends.

"Hi, Kalianna!" They greeted back.

"Elle, May, where are your boyfriends? Aren't they coming?" Kalianna asks.

"Adonis has basketball practice," Maya says.

"Hiro can't come. He has violin lessons. Courtesy of his mother." Giselle rolls her eyes at mentioning the cold woman.

Kalianna nods and turns away. "Hey Ms. Anarka," She greeted the woman, then turned to Luka, ignoring her ex-friends. "Luka, hey. I actually wanna talk to you about... the new Kitty Section stickers!" She holds up the sticker she designed. "See, uh, the thing is, I put the logo of Bob Roth's record company on them, seeing as he promised you the record contract and all, but since the deal never came through, I was wondering if we should keep them, throw them away, or-"

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