Chapter 11: When I first saw you[part 2]

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Pic of Raven

Raven's Pov:

I saw it as soon as I stepped off of the side walk, but by then there was nothing I could do. Everything went in slow motion, it was like I coud see the car coming I knew that it was going to hit me but I did not have time to really think.

It wasn't like they say, I didn't have any great big life revolutions or morn my death. I didn't have time to think about Tasha or any one.

Time seemed to be going at lightning speed, but at the same time going super slow. I can't explain it. I didn't feel sad for my death like some would think after everything I've been through, but I also didn't feel relieved. It was like my emotions were cut off so that in the end all I felt was relaxed.

And then Just a quickly as it came every thing is gone and I'm back where I started.

"Are you ok. Can you hear me please let me know if you are alright" I can't speak, I think I even stopped breathing. In fornt of me is the most beautiful girl I have ever met.

She has long brown hair and big hazel colored eyes. She is slim some would think to slim, but to me she's perfect. Everything about her is perfect.

She's looking at me like I'm going to freak out any moment, but I'm calm.
I think I should let her know because she looks so scared for me right now.

"I'm fine just a little embarrassed that I almost got myself killed" she visually relaxed and then gave me a very Stern angry look that was sexy as hell but did nothing to intimidating to me at all.

"You should be. What do you think you were doing. Didn't your parents teach you to look both ways before crossing" she is pissed I could tell, but I actually feel good. This girl didn't know me at all yet she was so angry because I almost lost my life.

To me that means she cares about me even if it's just because she cares about human life. She still cares enough to pull me back when I'm on death's doorstep.

"Actually no my parents didn't teach me that. I guess they were to busy getting high, or maybe they were still working out how much they would sell me for that week. Yeah, I think thats it." I ended it with a shrug of indifference.

I don't know why I said the last part, damn. I haven't even told Tasha about that part of my life yet, so why in the hell did I just tell this stranger.

Was it because I felt drawn to her like she was Important to me. It was like we had a connection to each other.

In that moment after thinking that I could see our whole life together.
I could see me and her holding hands walking down the street laughing with big smiles on our faces.

I saw me looking at her walking down the aisle all dressed up in the most beautiful white dress I've ever seen. She had a big smile on her face and I couldn't believe that she wanted me. I had so much love for her.

She was my only one there was nobody but her, but us. I didn't have any side bitches. She never cried because I couldn't commit to her. She was my everything, my whole world revolved around her.

She was mine and I was hers. I didn't feel love for her right now it was more of just a fondness, but I knew that if I pursued her she would rule my world. I wanted that, needed it, and wished for it.

"Oh I'm so sorry I should watch what I say. My mouth is going to get me into trouble one day."she looked so sorry and distraught, like she was going to burst out in tears any minute.

I just wanted to hold her in my arms an kiss her all over to make it better. What the hell was wrong with me. I was the queen of unattached and never got deep feelings like this for anyone. Tasha was the only exception, but that was only because we go way back.

My Name Is Revenge: The Guardians series book1#(girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now