Chapter 3 [When Life Gives You Lemons]

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Chapter 3

[Two years later]

Bye the age of two I had already learned that I could not depend on my so-called parents that I had no mother nor father who cared and loved me and at the ripe age of only two years old I learned the true meaning of pain,fear and survival.

Two yer old Raven's POV:


This is what I wake up to in the morning Darius is yelling at Ashley again for being stupid which I think is kinda funny; because, she's way smarter than him. Darius always tries to beat Ashley down to make her feel and think that she's dumb. I don't quite understand why he does this just like I don't quite understand a lot of the things that they do. I think that it's just a grown up thing maybe I'll understand when I'm older.

I haven't seen a lot of grown ups. I'm only two years old and I don't really go out a lot, but from what I can tell most do not act like Darius and Ashley. they do and say the strangest things and don't even seem to notice that they do things that completely make no sense. I think it has something to do with that thing that they keep sticking in there arm. I don't know why anybody would stick themselves with something that makes you bleed and act like you have no sense.

You know I've noticed a few things recently, like I said I haven't seen a lot of people, I don't leave the house much and the only thing I have to go by really is what I see on TV. but, still I don't think I'm quite the same as kids my age. there is this little girl next door, she's also the same age as me, but me and her don't think alike or even act like. she can't talk very well and she can't even read, but I can talk just as good as any adult, probably even better if there like Darius and Ashley.

I don't know, but that doesn't seem quite normal to me, from what I've learned, at my age, I'm supposed to be quite dumb and clueless. I'm at lease not supposed to understand things so well, but maybe that girl is just slow developing or maybe I'm just developing too fast. with so-called parents like Darius and Ashley that wouldn't be a surprise; because if I didn't grow up fast, I would probably be dead by now.

One day I was watching TV,  it was Sunday and this thing came on TV called Sunday church. On this show they were talking about somebody call God.  I couldn't help, but laugh they were saying how he was this all powerful man and that he protected all his children and love us all equally, but I couldn't quite get with it. if there really was someone such as God who existed, did he hate me, does he really really not love me if he did love us all, as they say he does, why did he give me parents like them? why did you give me a life like this? I guess it's not that bad, I've heard some kids being raped and molested by their parents, at least that's not happening to me.


As soon as I hear him say that, I know it's time to hide. I became real good at hiding; I can hide all day without him finding me, one time I hid for two days straight.

I run into my room, there's a hole in the wall of my closet that I can fit in. I can just put the wood back in place and you would never even know that its there. because it's dark and there's a lot of cracks in my wall already it does not stand out. he'll never even know that I'm there. neither him nor Ashley know about my hiding spot and I hope they never do, because then I'll have nowhere to hide, that's a scary thought.

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