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I said goodbye.

To my beautiful nonexistent family.

To my group of nonexistent friends.

I had no reason to miss this place. Even if I did.

Japan hated me. It hated how my life was perfect. It decided to make it worse.

Maybe leaving is best for me.

Maybe I can leave my past behind.

I stepped out of the taxi and dragged my half empty suitcase into the check in area


I sit next to a kid. He looks my age. He spent most of his time reading. He didn't even spare a glance at me though. As if I wasn't there.

Although I was used to it, I felt disappointed yet again. I shrugged it off and plugged my earphones back in my ears.

"Attention passengers, We are approaching our destination. Please fasten your seatbelts," they called out.

I had never bothered to take my seat-belt off in the first place. I looked at the person in the seat next to me. His seat-belt was hanging off the seat, not fastened. 

He didn't seem to hear the announcement. he was too buried into his book. Once I looked closer, I saw that his eyes were closed. He was sleeping.

Oh well.

I'd be glad to watch him fly out of his seat when the plane lands.

My eyes closed, drifting off to sleep just like that person in the seat next to me.


They opened when I lurched forward in my seat. My eyes opened when I hit my forehead against the seat in front of mine, angering the passenger occupying that seat.

"Tsk, tsk. Should have fastened your seat-belt like they said"

I heard a voice coming from my left.

As I turned to my side there was that kid, who wouldn't stop reading.

The kid who had his seat-belt on while mine was off.

What a jerk.

Coming Soon

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