Chapter 1

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Zoe's POV

"Mom!" I yelled for like the sixth time, this time stomping my feet to try and get her attention.

"Oh, Zoe, what's up?" She said finally acknowledging me.

"I can't find my running shoes, one of your sons probably have it" I said crossing my hands above my chest like a kid.

"Stop being like that, they're your brothers too you know and I doubt they have it, it will turn up soon now shooo" she said while pushing me out of "her kitchen".


Thanks for giving me such helpful parents God!

Note the sarcasm.

Don't get me wrong, my mom is amazing but I guess raising six kids...wait..... Scratch that, I guess raising FIVE boys wears anyone out.

My brothers are so friggin amazing, who am I kidding? they're awful especially my other halves as they call themselves.


I'm a part of a triplet. Yayyyyyyyy for me right?

Eeeh, wrong!

Now let me get down to the introductions of my lovely *cough lies cough* family.

Nathaniel Tyler Parker aka the bald ego (his not bald, but this one time I put hair remover in his shampoo hence my nickname for him don't judge me yet he deserved it). 18 year old captain of the football team at his school,all my brothers go to a different school than me,apparently they all excel at something. He's a senior and is(I'm embarrassed to say) hot, oh and if you call him Nathaniel you're dead, he hates the name, he prefers to be called Nathan and like all my brothers a total man whore.

Ian Trevor Parker aka captain blue balls, (he got blue balls once and lets just say we made the best of it),17 year old jerk face, awesome player and upcoming team captain of the football team and a younger version of Nathan, who am I kidding he's hotter and the biggest man whore in the house.

The Wonder triplets, me, Zack and Zayn, Zack and Zayn are total pranksters and are also pretty smart, smarter than me.... sometimes..note the sometimes, people..I am very smart.
Zack Timmy Parker aka the joker
Zayn Tristan Parker aka momma's boy.
Zoe, that's me aka geek planet, Zoe Tessa Parker.
People at school call me Tess and I'm absolutely fine with it, makes me less related to the Wonder twins as I like to call them.

And lastly.

Noah Trey Parker aka humpty dummy, not the smartest kid I know but this 14 year old is a pain in the ass.

That's my siblings yo
Bald ego
Captain blue balls.
The joker
Momma's boy
Geek planet and
Humpty dummy.

Back to reality people.

I marched to Nathan's room furious, I contemplated knocking what the heck.

I barge into the room and.......ha! Nathan's wearing a towel.... only.

"My eyes,they burn! My innocent self is being perverted by your whore aura!" I say to Nathan putting my hand on my forehead and one on my heart and being dramatic.

That me full time drama queen baby!

"Oh shut up Zoe" Nathan said rolling his eyes and calling me by my real name to annoy me.


"Why should I?..... Nathaniel" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

He shoots me a death glare and if looks could kill...I'll be dead .

"What do you want?" He said getting annoyed by my presence.


He was doing something before i came in, but what....

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