The Carriage Ride - Chapter 2

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     The end of the summer holidays came quickly after you got home from Diagon Alley. You didn't mind though, you couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts to see all your friends again. Your trunk was packed early, and left by the front door. Your Siamese cat named Saffron - who you bought last year in Diagon Alley - was sat on top in her cage. It seems your brother wasn't as organised, as he saved all his packing for the same morning you would be leaving for Hogwarts.
     The journey to platform nine and three-quarters was quick and you found yourself stood infront of the scarlet train, surrounded by other Hogwarts students and their parents on the platform in no time. Your brother stood with you as you both faced your parents to say your goodbyes.
'Goodbye, (Y/N), have a lovely year and don't fall off your broom! This is the first year you're allowed to bring one so don't injure yourself.' Your mother said before bringing you in for a hug and kissing you on the top of your head, doing the same to your brother after.
'When we come to pick you up next year, I expect you to be even more powerful than today, okay (Y/N)?' Said your father, who really cared about his image wether it came from himself or from his children.
'Of course, father.' You smiled up at him and he gave you a hug before you boarded the train.

¤¤¤¤¤(Y/N)'s P.O.V¤¤¤¤¤

     I walked down the train, rather absentmindedly, as I looked for my friends. Thankfully, Draco had seen me walking alone and pulled me into the compartment he was in before I walked past. In the compartment there was Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. I was hoping to sit with Pansy and Daphne on the way to Hogwarts but it didn't matter.
'Hello, Draco. Did you have a nice last week off?' I asked to be nice as I struggled to put my trunk onto the shelf above my seat.
'Of course. My father bought me a Nimbus 2001. Says it will come in handy this year.' Boasted Draco, feeling rather proud of himself.
'Oh, are you going to try out for the quidditch team this year?' I said, hoping he would as I knew he was a good flyer.
'I'm going to be the team's next and best seeker. They'll be talking about me for years after I'm gone. I'll show Potter that he's not as good as everyone thinks he is. You're not trying out are you?'
'Oh what? No. I do love quidditch, but I think I'd rather watch than play.' I replied knowing that I would want to watch if Draco was playing.
'Good, that means you can be in the stands and support me then. I want you to come to every practice and every game.'
'Alright, I will.' I had just managed to put my trunk above my seat and by the time I sat down next to Draco the train had already pulled out the station.
     I got changed into my robes on the train, as did Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. When the train stopped at Hogsmeade station several hours later the four of us got off the train and found out that this year was different. This year we would get a carriage to Hogwarts instead of sailing across the black lake like we did last year. As I looked around the station for my friends, I saw Granger stood all alone looking rather worried. I guess there's no Potter or Weasley this year. Luckily, Pansy and Daphne caught up with me so we could all get into a carriage together.
     There were about a hundred of them, filled with four to six students, waiting for all the carriages to be pulled up the track to Hogwarts. The six of us got into one of the self pulling carriages, the door shut behind Daphne with a snap and a few moments later the carriage staggered away up the track.
    I watched out the window as we slowly approached Hogwarts. We passed through a large gate, went by the black lake, looking down on the first years crossing the river with Hagrid before we reached the outside of the entrance hall. The carriages pulled to a halt and all the students inside started to get out. Some of the carriages that had gotten there first were already empty.
     I got out of the Carriage and walked into the Entrance Hall with my friends before we entered the Great Hall. It looked just as it did all of last year. The ceiling was bewitched to look like the sky outside. Tonight the sky was very dark and there were stars scattered around it, cleary visible due to the lack of clouds. There was thousands of lit candles floating above the four house tables.
     The six of us walked along to the left of the door towards the Slytherin table that was by the wall. We all sat together and waited in anticipation for the feast to begin. I was extremely hungry, even though I did have some sweets from the trolley on the train. I didn't really care about the sorting, unless the new students were being sorted into Slytherin. Thankfully the first years were escorted in by Professor McGonagall shortly after everyone had entered. Everyone but Potter and Weasley. Maybe they really were expelled.
'Draco, have you noticed that Potter and Weasley aren't with their mudblood friend?' I said, pointing to Granger as McGonagall shouted some of the first year's names to put the hat on and be sorted.
'Maybe they've finally been expelled! Perhaps Dumbledore or McGonagall sent them an owl over the holidays telling them how deeply sorry and regretful they are to inform them that they can't continue at Hogwarts this year!' Said Draco as yet another student was called up to be sorted. I looked up and saw Granger on the other side of the hall. She looked up at me and I waved and smiled at her, being so obviously fake. I knew it would annoy her, especially since she immediately looked down. Her face looked so sour and she didn't look up at all until the sorting was over.

     Dumbledore had given some speech after that I didn't bother to listen to. It had something to do with Gilderoy Lockhart becoming the new defence against the dark arts professor. But I already knew that from Flourish and Blotts. I became very happy when I looked down to see my golden plate was filled with food and my golden goblet was filled with Pumpkin juice. I spared no time before eating, finishing most if the food on my plate before desert. There were giant cakes, towers of ice cream and profiteroles and other types of sweet deserts scattered along the four crowded house tables.
     The feast seemed to have finished as soon as it started and I was left staring at a completely clean plate infront of me. Dumbledore rose from his seat to talk to us once more.
'Now that you are all happily fed, you should all have a good night's rest before lessons start tomorrow. You shall all get your timetables tomorrow at breakfast, now go get some sleep. Chop chop!' With that, everyone got up and filtered out of the great hall towards their common rooms. I walked down to the dungeons with Draco, without anyone else for a change.
'Have you heard? My father is now one of the school governors. Do you know what that means, (Y/N)?' Said Draco as we walked through the damp dungeons.
'No, Draco. What does it mean?'
'It means I'm practically untouchable, there'll be no more detentions for me where I have to walk through the forest looking for a dead unicorn. This year, if any teacher even looks at me funny, I'll tell my father and he'll deal with them.' Draco smiled widely as we both entered the already open hole in the damp wall that lead to the Slytherin common room.
'Wow, Draco. That must mean you're going to have a great year. Especially without Potter and Weasley interfering.' I said, yawning.
'You read my mind, (Y/N). Anyway, I'm going to go to bed and I think you should too. Good night.'
     With that, Draco walked to the boys' dormitories and I walked to the girls'. I entered my usual dorm to find my trunk and cat where already there, changed into my pyjamas, let Saffron out of her cage and went to bed. Feeling very happy.

Rulers Of Slytherin  》Draco Malfoy x Reader  》Year 2Where stories live. Discover now