Hospital Wing - Chapter 8

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     The next morning you woke with a start after having the strangest dream. You seemed to have sprouted wings and were flying around during quidditch matches, tormenting Potter so he could never catch the Snitch again. It was weird but strangely enjoyable. However, it was cleared from you mind after what you heard before breakfast.

¤¤¤¤¤Y/N's P.O.V¤¤¤¤¤

     I heard it as I walked into the great hall to join my friends for breakfast. Colin Creevey was attacked last night and is lying as dead as a door nail in the hospital wing. I never really liked him. At all. And the most important thing - I thought when finding Pansy at breakfast - was how I could twist this to make it seem worse than it already was.
     When I spotted her I rushed over and sat opposite her, seeing Daphne, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were sat with her too.
     'So, I just heard that Colin Creevey was attacked last night. Apparently he's in the hospital wing, can't move or anything.' I said earning some intrigued looks from my friends around me. 'Who wants to pay him a visit, see what's up with him later?'
     'I will.' Said Draco and I turned my head to look at him, he had a sly smirk on his face. 'I mean, who knows? There could be someone in there who knows exactly what happened to him.' We shared a look of mischief before finishing our breakfast.

     It was soon after we'd finished eating that me and Draco decided to go down to the Hospital wing. It was true what I'd heard, the little Creevey boy was as good as dead. His eyes were wide open and glazed over, it seemed that no life was left inside him and his arms were held up stiffly like a foundation to a building. His face had a look of utter shock and his whole body was so rigid it was as if he was some sort of mannequin in a store window.
     'So I guess people weren't kidding.' I bent down slightly and stared at his face.
     'Yes, what a shame, the first mudblood to go. I'm sure it'll be Granger's time soon.' Draco said as he shot Potter a look of cockiness. Potter was currently sat in bed eating breakfast, his arm seemed to have the bones back now. Unfortunately.
     'How much longer do you think until the next attack?' I asked, making sure to raise my voice just loud enough so I was sure Potter could heard me.
     'Oh, I don't know, Y/N, why don't you ask Potter? He is the cause afterall.' Draco replied and we both smirked at him, who returned a look of hatred towards us.  The two of us let out a little laugh before turning around and leaving.

     Nothing at all happened for the rest of the day and Monday came along swiftly, the school full of talk and rumours - courtesy of me - about Creevey. Even throughout Herbology, our first lesson, I heard some of the Ravenclaws gossiping about it. We were learning about Incendio Duo and of course, I was the first to get it as I'm incredible at spells and charms, even earned Slytherin ten points whilst I did. Later on into the lesson, the Ravenclaw girls who had been gossiping about Creevey and Potter had got my attention.
     'Uh, Y/N?' Asked a Ravenclaw girl with long brown hair that she had tied into a tight, low pony tail. I had never bothered to learn her name.
     'Yes?' I responded not bothering to hide my boredom, however, she seemed to not notice.
     'Is it true? What happened to Colin? Was it really Potter who planned the attack on him?' One of the girl's friends spoke this time, a girl with blonde hair that was tied into pigtails. I smirked in response and looked at my side to Pansy who shared my look before I turned back to the Ravenclaw girls.
     'Oh yes, he may have been in the hospital wing but it was definetely Potter who planned the attack on Creevey. But you, you're parents are muggles aren't they?' I asked pointing to the second girl with the pigtails. She gulped in response and nodded her head, her hair swishing with the movement.
     'Well, I wouldn't let that slip to Potter. Otherwise, you'll be next.' I gave out a little laugh and would have continued with scaring her if the bell hadn't gone.
     After that was potions in which me and Draco spared nothing in tormenting Potter. Snape absolutely hated Potter and loved me and Draco so we got away with practically anything. Shouting insults across the classroom, sneaking ingredients into his cauldron whenever he had got up to get something and just generally making his day worse than it already was.
     Charms was next, I just managed to show everyone how good I was. It was the one subject that I was exceptionally good at, I mean I was good at all my subjects but charms was my favourite. Wether it was because of the funny sight of Flitwick or my undeniable talent.
     After dinner I went back to the common room with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Daphne. I stayed awake doing homework for a bit
     Hogwarts had been absolutely brilliant for a while that I was shocked to hear it was suddenly December. Time had past a lot quicker than I thought it was. I had been drowned in so many questions from scared first years about the attacks since everyone thought I knew everything. Let's just say I'm a good actor and have great improvisation skills, along with a strong hatred for Potter. One morning, after warning a group of first year Hufflepuffs about walking round the school alone I saw McGonagall walking down the house tables in the great hall with some sort of list. I guessed it was who was staying for Christmas. I'm obviously going home.
     I sat down next to Draco and everyone else before helping myself to some eggs, beans and sausages.
     'What's McGonagall doing?' I asked to no one in particular as I happily started eating.
     'She's getting names of who's staying for Christmas.' Pansy replied and I nodded my head, knowing I was right. That's all that matter sometimes.
     'Are any of you staying?' I asked once again as I watched McGonagall start to walk over to the Slytherin table.
     'Yeah, of course. I've already sent an owl to my parents telling them I'm staying, wouldn't want to miss out on any fun would I?' Draco said with a tone that implied his answer was obvious. Though, I thought he would go home, his parents would surely rather have him there than here. 'What about you, Y/N, are you staying? Crabbe and Goyle are staying too.'
     'Wha - yeah, of course. Wouldn't want to miss out on whatever Potter's been planning.' Even though I was going to go home to my nice, warm, welcoming manor for Christmas, Draco was right. Anyway, I'm sure father would rather have me here, especially since he's involved with Draco's father - who's basically involved with the attacks.
     McGonagall finally came round to our table. 'Will any of you be staying over the Christmas holidays?' She asked, her pen poised, her parchment ready and her eyes staring down at us.
     'Yes, Professor, Y/N, Crabbe, Goyle and I are staying.' Draco said before any of us could even think what we were going to say. McGonagall scribbled something down onto the parchment then looked to Pansy and Daphne.
     'And what about you, Miss Parkinson, Miss Greengrass?'
     'Neither of us are staying, Professor.' Daphne answered letting McGonagall walk swiftly away without another word to other students.

  'I'll be right back, just have to go write a letter to mother and father that I'm staying.' I said as I got up and smoothed down my cloak. 'See you all in Herbology?' I added, getting a few nods in response. I then left the great hall and walked to my dormitory, writing a letter to my parents and using an owl from the owlery to send it off before going to Herbology.

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