Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom - Chapter 10

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     After dinner I unwillingly trudged up to Lockhart's office on the second floor. Enduring an hour's mockery from all my friends didn't help my already sour mood from the situatio - they found it funny at least. It really is just my luck that I, out of all my friends, am the one that is chosen for extra lessons with Lockhart ...
     I stood outside his office door, hoping that he either wasn't in, forgot about this or that if I just ignored the situation it would simply go away. My hopes were crushed after I knocked on the door three times to see it opened by a smiling Lockhart. His wavy hair pristine as always and dressed in magenta robes with a matching hat, decorated with a beige feather.
     'Oh, Miss Avery, do come in!' Lockhart beamed before stepping to the side, allowing me in. I shuffled in, being the first time I had been in his office I was a little taken aback. The walls were covered in pictures of himself, smiling widely and winking down at me as I looked around, many of them were signed by himself and one was evening a painting of himself that was painting a portrait of himself. It was rather a strange room to be in.
     Lockhart sat down at his desk, which had a neat pile of pictures of him next to a large quill and pot of ink, and on the other side was a large stack of his own books. I mentally sighed and sat down in the chair opposite Lockhart.
     'So, Miss Avery, do you have any idea of why you are here tonight?' Lockhart started with a grin before continuing confidently, 'Graced in my presence?'
     I ignored this, wanting this meeting to end as soon as possible so I could go back to the common room. ' Yes, Professor, I do. You told me just before dinner a few hours ago. Though, I do wish to tell you that I do not need extra help,' I lied, leaving a slight pause as to think of something to say, 'it's just with all the attacks going on, it's been a bit hard to study your great works. They've just made me a bit anxious and I'm finding it hard to focus on studying right now, I hope you'll understand.' I ended the lie with a weak smile, knowing that I'd fooled him by the sympathizing look on his face. Though it didnt quite have the affect I wanted -
     'Oh, no worries, Miss Avery. That's what tonight is for! To help you in my subject, it's no task reading through my books I assure you. It'll be fun!' Said Lockhart before opening the first book. It had a deep green cover, in the middle was a picture of a banshee that was staring menacingly down at what looked to be Lockhart with his wand pointed towards it, underneath was the words 'Break with a Banshee'.
     'Now, let's start with this one, then we can move onto Gadding with Ghouls!'

     An hour had passed and I was done with this so called 'Professor'. His books were the worst things I had ever read and smiling at him had left my cheeks aching with pain when I left his office. If I hadn't read his books properly before, there was no excuse now. He seemed to focus on the most random of things, going into detail about them for no apparent reason. I had to stop him multiple times with the excuse: 'I'd love for you to continue reading your magnificent book.' I might even inform Filch of a new way to punish students aside from the ways he loves to.
     Why does Dumbledore have to employ such absolute idiots like Lockhart, I mean last year he hired someone who had Voldemort on the back of his head! It's an unfortunate miracle he's still headmaster at this school.
     As I walked down the second floor corridor I came across Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, what a bore. No one even uses it anymore so I don't get why she bothers haunting the place, don't think anyone's gone in there for years. I took one look at the door before walking off, though I didn't even manage to take one more step before I felt someone crash into me. Looking to my right I saw Granger on the floor, the door to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom swinging shut behind her.
     'What were you doing in there Granger? Trying to make a friend? Let me guess, even Moaning Myrtle rejected you?' I said as I looked down at her, she was now trying - and somehow failing - to get up, acting as if she hadn't hurt herself from the fall thought it was obvious that she had.
     'It's no business of yours of what I was doing in there. I have a right as a Hogwarts student-'
     I cut her off by making high pitched mocking noises whilst she talked to shut her up. 'Yeah, yeah, let me guess, you read it in 'Hogwarts: A History'?' By the look on her face I took that as a yes. 'God, you're so predictable. I guess that since you are a Mudblood it must feel quite daunting, being at a school like this. Surrounded by people who are just - to put it simply- better than you in everyway imaginable. I mean, let's starts with that hair -'
     'Enough! It's none of your business what I was doing in there and you have no right to dictate who I can be from my blood status!' Granger shouted furrowing her brows as she did, obviously incredibly angry at me, which just made me happier.
     'Well, it doesn't really matter what you think. I'm pretty sure the monster roaming about the school, picking off Mudbloods one by one, doesn't care about your opinions too much.' I said, glaring daggers at her. 'But why not trying to talk to it, tell it your poor little thoughts and feelings. Maybe the two of you could read Hogwarts: A History together! How fun.' I giggled and walked off, leaving Granger alone. Eventually I heard her footsteps before they grew more distant.


     It was the next day and I was walking yo the great hall eagerly with Pansy and Daphne. I was taking great strides infront of them as I was incredibly hungry, much hungrier than usual. Thought it seemed almost impossible to get into the great hall due to the huge group of people blocking the entrance. They seemed to be all huddled around the noticeboard next to the large doors. I had no idea why as it was usually empty but would occasionally have some angry note from Filch that would normally just get ripped off, so my interest was piqued. I sighed and pushed myself into the centre of the crowd, pushing people over and standing on their cloaks.
     'Excuse me! Coming through! Get out of my way you incessant -!' I stopped my shouting as I got to the front, surrounded by impatient sighing and annoyed murmurs from the people who I just pushed out the way. Pansy and Daphne got the exact same response as they pushed in after me, neither of them cared either.
     As I read the notice I couldn't help but smile to myself. A duelling club, maybe Hogwarts won't be as unbearable as I expected it would be this year. Pansy and Daphne both shared looks of excitement behind me before we pushed our way back out of the crowd and made our way over to our house table, chatting excitedly about the first meeting which was scheduled for tonight at eight o'clock.
     By the time Draco, Crabbe and Goyle sat down we had talked so much about it we had worn the subject out and focused on our food and whatever other subject came up.
     'Did you see the notice outside? They're starting a duelling club. Are you three going?' Asked Draco as he sat himself down opposite me, looking as excited as we did after we read the notice.
     'Of course! We can't wait, I personally can't wait to show up Potter and his dreadful friends.' I replied as I helped myself to more peas with my sausages and mash. 'Speaking of them, there they are right now.' I added pointing at the three with my fork.
     Suddenly, an idea popped into my head as I looked down to my plate. I got my wand out and elbowed Pansy and Daphne in the ribs. 'Watch this.' I giggled and waved my wand at my peas which then sprang to life. Each one left my plate and hovered in the air for a second before they darted off towards Potter, one by one throwing themselves at him. I saw him trying to hit them away as if swatting flies but they kept flying at him determinedly, acting like the bludger from the past quidditch match. People around him laughed as peas shot at him from every direction until they had all squashed themselves against him. His face was covered in peas along with parts of his school cloak and his glasses. I burst out in laughter, laughing so hard I almost forgot to breathe. My friends around me were laughing just as hard, the image of Potter's confused face of what just happened will remain with me forever.

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