3. Perfect Characters That Think They're NOT Perfect

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Seriously, in like, every book there is a character like this. She's really slim and perfect, yet she thinks she is so fat! Like, why? WHY YU DO DIS MAN IT BE NU COOL IT BE NU COOL! I'll give you an example.

Hi, my name is Vanessa and this is my story. I am so ugly and so fat I wear an XSmall and my friends wear XXSmall (LOL does that even exist?) ermergerd I'm so fat! No wonder no boy likes me and my name sucks. My best friend's name is Mary she has such a perfect name omg I'm so jealous! She has perfectly well combed straight black hair that cascades down her back. Her hair is so long, it reaches her waist! She has the most beautiful gray-blue eyes. I have short and wavy caramel blonde hair and green eyes like ew, I wish my eyes were brown, brown eyes are so friendly and warm. I have crush, his name is Ike and he is so hot, but he's obviously so interested in Mary that he wants to be my friend so he can be close to her. Omg no boy likes me I feel so sad and depressed omg why me, like why am I so unpopular I wish I was Mary!!! 

See what I mean? I probably exaggerated a little, but you have at least one character that's like this in your book. Mary might be prettier according to you, but this doesn't mean you're ugly! You have caramel hair and green eyes! Mary should be jealous! And your name isn't ugly, you're name is very pretty! I think Vanessa is a prettier name than Mary. Be confident. Believe in yourself. And never say you're ugly or else you'll get an online HorseMad-slap from me!

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